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Edmund swallowed hard as he walked up the steps of the broken stone table, landing on his knees on one half.
He fought to keep his breath under control as he pulled off his tunic, placing it beside him and gripping the dagger tightly in his hands.
Peter's gonna die if you don't do this
He repeated those eight words over and over again in his head as he sat there, forcing back the image of a dead Peter.
He had to do this, he couldn't change his mind now.
They'll be better off without me anyway, I deserve to die, after what I did
Edmund let out a choked sob at that point, staring down at the dagger, sharp and shining in the moonlight.
Just do it before anything else happens to him
He knew Peter would be upset when he got the knews, and he just hoped that maybe he'd be able to forgive him for this, and he also hoped that he wouldn't blame himself
Of course he'll blame himself
Edmund thought with a groan, not yet noticing the tears rolling down his cheeks.
He did notice them however when he placed the tip of the dagger to his chest, his eyes squeezing shut as he completely froze.
Do it! Just do it!
But his hands wouldn't move, and he didn't know why.
He sat there, sobbing with the dagger pressed against his chest.
You can do this, you can do this
He repeated this over and over again in his head, opening his eyes and taking deep breaths.
Peter will die if you don't. Peter will die
Taking a few more deep breaths he tightened his grip on the knife, if that was even possible, and prepared himself.
Everything's gonna be okay
After hearing those words he aloud himself to relax slightly, wiping the tears quickly from his cheeks. He had to do this, Peter's life depended on if.
After almost five more minutes of hesitation, he took a deep breath, as deep as he could, and pushed the dagger.
Edmund gasped, his eyes squeezing shut at the pain... the agony.
Using all his strength he pulled the knife from his body, almost screaming in pain.
It hurt so much, But it only lasted for a second... before his breathing stopped, and he collapsed onto the table.


Now longer than five minutes after Edmund had collapsed, a gryffin flew into the clearing of the stone table, his face falling when he saw the young king.
He was lying on his back on one half of the table, his mouth open and eyes closed.
There was blood dripping down his chin and blood slowly covering his chest... and he held the bloody knife weakly in his right hand.
Landing beside the boy he listened for a moment, and sighed when he heard no breathing coming from him.
It was quite clear that the gryffin was too late, and with tears in his eyes, he turned back around, took off and headed for Queen Susan to break the news to her.


Philip galloped as quickly as he could through the woods, Susan on his back.
"Hurry Philip." Susan said after a moment. "We need to get to the stone table."
"As you wish." Philip said, speeding up, determined to reach the stone table before it was too late.
But Susan brought him to a quick stop when the gryffin appeared and landed in front of them.
Susan's heart skipped a beat at the look on his face, and she slowly climbed from Philip, walking over with a questioning look on her face.
"Your majesty." The gryffin said, bowing its head.
"My - My brother?" Susan choked, hardly even daring to ask.
The gryffin hesitated. "Your majesty." It said again, before stopping.
"Please." Susan whispered. "I need to know." The gryffin nodded his head at this.
"So?" Susan choked, her heart beating so fast she was sure it was gonna burst.
"I'm so sorry." The gryffin said with a sad sigh. "We were too late."
Susan stared at him, her breathing picking up speed.
It took a long while for it to sink in, but when it eventually did, Susan collapsed onto the floor and burst into tears.


"I really hope Susan finds him." Lucy whispered.
She was with Orious at that moment, having left Peter for a second to let the centaur know what had happened.
"As do I." Orious replied. "But all we can do is pray to Aslan." He said.
Lucy nodded in agreement, but tears rolled slowly down her cheeks as she did. "I just - can't stand the thought of life without Ed." She choked.
Orious sighed. "He really is a great king." He agreed. "And a great person."
Lucy sighed slightly. "What happens if - if he does die?" She whispered.
Orious sighed. "You need to to remember, if he does die, that he loves you more than anything."
Lucy nodded slowly, unable to keep back a sob.
They both looked up when the door to the room they were in opened.
Lucy expected it to be Tumnus of the beavers, or even, but her mouth dropped open and her eyes went wide when Peter stepped into the room.
Peter looked absolutely fine, the colour had returned to his skin, he was no longer sweating, no longer shivering. He didn't look as though he were about to throw up, and he definitely didn't look like he was about to go into another coughing fit.
He looked as though nothing had ever happened to him.
Lucy stared at him for a moment, before realisation dawned on her and her eyes went wide.
Peter's eyes filled with tears as Lucy rushed over to him, flinging her arms around his neck and sobbing into his shoulder.
Peter tried to hold back his own tears for Lucy's sake, but eventually it hit him. His little brother was dead. His only brother, his baby brother.
After a second he couldn't handle it any longer.
He collapsed to the floor and burst in tears.

*Runs away before I get hurt*
Hey, um well, what did you think? 👀😳 ahahaha😶😶😦😬 I hope you stick around for the next chapter 👀

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