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- Six days later -

"Edmund." Peter choked, collapsing on the stone table beside his brother. "Edmund please, please wake up."
But Edmund didn't move a muscle.
Peter let out a sob and placed his hands on Edmund's shoulders. "You - You can't die." He whispered. "You just can't, please wake up."
When Edmund again did nothing, Peter's eyes scanned down to the knife held tightly in his hand.
"You can't of done this to yourself." Peter whispered. "Why an earth would you want to do this? It can't of been you. You wouldn't do something like that."
But Peter wasn't even sure if he believed himself, Edmund had the dagger in his hand, and in Peter's mind, there really was no other explanation for it.

Peter's eyes snapped open as he woke with a gasp, at once groaning at feeling the ache in his body.
His head pounded as he lay there, taking deep breaths to try and calm his pounding heart.
Over the last six days he had become so weak, that he couldn't even move, or talk much for that matter.
He had just continued to get weaker and weaker, and both he and Lucy, and the rest of Narnia, were getting worried.
Peter swallowed hard as he lay there, feeling the sweat pouring down his forehead from how hot he was... even though he was also shivering.
Frowning a little he realised that Lucy wasn't in the room, and he found this rather confusing, Lucy had hardly ever left his side over the past two weeks.
But his head was pounding too much to think about that, and he just relaxed back into the pillows and blankets and closed his eyes.


"It's Cair!" Edmund exclaimed suddenly, making Susan jump.
She looked to where he was pointing, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Cair Paravel in the distance. "Come on." She said, Philip and her horse speeding up.
"Is your wrist alright now?" Susan asked Edmund after a moment.
Yesterday they had had another run in with a wolf, Edmund this time flinging himself off of Philip before the wolf could, unfortunately landing funny of his wrist.
They'd managed to kill the wolf, Susan shooting it the second she got the chance, but ever since then Edmund's wrist had been causing him quite a bit of pain.
Edmund shrugged at her question. "It's alright I suppose." He said, nodding a little. "Still a bit sore though."
Susan nodded.
"Let's just get home."
It took another fifteen minutes to reach Cair, and the second they did Edmund, after climbing off Philip and giving him his thanks, ran up to the main entrance, Susan actually struggling to keep up with him.
He burst into the castle and began running up to his and Peter's room, coming face to face with Lucy half way there.
"Edmund!" She shrieked. "Susan!"
Edmund quickly caught her when she jumped into his arms, swinging her around and squeezing her tight.
"You're back." Lucy mumbled into his shoulder.
"Yeah." Edmund breathed, eventually placing her back on her feet.
"What happened to your forehead!" She exclaimed, after giving Susan a hug.
"Just a run in with a wolf Lu." Edmund replied. "Its nearly healed anyway, I'm surprised you actually noticed it."
Lucy stared at him. "I notice everything." She said, before: "Did you get the knife?"
Susan nodded and pulled it from her bag. "Of course we did." She said, smiling a little.
Edmund smiled too before taking a deep breath. "Where's Peter?" He asked almost hesitantly.
Lucy's face fell. "In bed." She said slowly.
Susan sighed. "How is he?" She asked.
Lucy stared at them both. "So weak he can hardly move." Was all she whispered.
But that was enough.
Edmund's eyes went wide and he dashed off down the corridor, Susan and Lucy following quickly behind him.
Within thirty seconds Edmund reached his and Peter's room, and burst through the doors, his eyes immediately falling on his older brother.
Peter was laying in bed, eyes closed and by the looks of it asleep. He was as white as snow, sweat covering his forehead. His breathing was slow and he wasn't even moving a muscle.
Edmund took a deep breath and slowly walked over, sitting on the bed and placing a hand on Peter's shoulder, tears appearing in his eyes.
Peter frowned in his sleep, his eyes beginning to open as he slowly woke.
Edmund held his breath as Peter glanced around for a moment before his eyes found him.
The two brothers stared at each other for a moment before Peter's eyes went slightly wider. "Ed?" He choked.
Edmund fought back a sob at hearing his voice, barely whispered and full of weakness. But he fought back the tears and instead nodded his head. "It's me." He whispered, seeing Susan and Lucy sit on the bed opposite him.
Peter glanced over at Susan, breathing a sigh of relief at seeing that she too was safe.
"We're alright Peter." Edmund said, catching his attention again. "And we got the knife."
Peter stared at him for a moment before very slowly raising his hand and pressing his fingers to the almost healed cut on Edmund's forehead.
"Trust you to notice that." Edmund said, forcing a smile.
Peter's arm flopped back to his side after a while, unable to hold it up any longer.
Edmund stared at Peter for a moment, finding the unspoken question in his eyes. Without hesitation Edmund lay beside his brother and curled up beside him, pulling Peter's arm around his shoulders.
Peter held onto him with as much strength as he could, tears rolling slowly down his cheeks. "You're - alive." he choked.
Edmund frowned a little. "Of course I'm alive." He whispered, casting his sisters a confused look.
"I was so worried." Peter whispered. "So, so worried."
Edmund took a deep breath. "I'm home now." He said. "And so is Susan, we're both fine and alive."
Peter swallowed hard, burying his face against Edmund's neck. "I'm glad."

Someone requested that I update twice today so here ya go 😅🙈

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