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Susan sighed as she headed back to her room after breakfast, frowning when she didn't see Peter.
She continued down the corridor and gently knocked on his bedroom door, hoping for an answer.
"Come in." Came the quiet voice from inside.
Susan breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened the door, seeing Peter dressed and sat on the bed.
"You missed breakfast." She said. "But I'm sure we can find you something."
Peter shook his head. "I - I don't feel like coming out today." He mumbled.
Susan frowned. "Pete you can't stay in here all day." She sighed.
"I can and I will." Peter snapped. "And you can't stop me."
Susan stared at him for a moment before sighing. "Fine." She said. "But I'll be up with some lunch later."
"I won't eat it." Peter muttered under his breath, but he knew Susan had heard.

Later that day Susan headed back up to Peter's room, tears rolling slowly down his cheeks.
She'd just gotten the news from Orious that Edmund's body was gone, and she was heartbroken, as she knew Peter would be.
She reached the room and walked inside, finding Peter laying on his bed.
And when she told him, Peter burst into tears and buried his face against the pillows, his heart breaking even more.

After that Peter stayed in his room for the rest of the day, and didn't eat anything that Susan brought him, and Susan was beginning to worry.
When she checked on him before she went to bed, it was clear that he'd been crying, and Susan's heart broke for him.
"Pete atleast come and say goodnight to Lucy." Susan sighed.
Peter swallowed hard, rubbing at his eyes. "She - She can come here if she wants to say Goodnight." He choked.
Susan bit her lip. "Why don't you want to leave you room?" She asked.
"I just don't alright?" Peter said firmly.
"But you haven't eaten all day!" Susan exclaimed. "I wouldn't be so worried if you just ate."
"I don't want to eat." Peter said, forcing back any more tears for the moment.
"Peter please." Susan whispered.
Peter hesitated but quickly shook his head. "Please just go." He choked.
Susan swallowed thickly. "You'll get some sleep?" She asked even as she headed for the door.
Peter took a deep breath. "I'll try."


Edmund slowly opened his eyes, freezing completely when his name was whispered.
Within a second he realised that he was laying on ice, shackles around his ankles.
"Edmund?" The voice said again.
Edmund's heart began to pound, he knew that voice.
Using all his courage he slowly sat up, coming face to face with the white witch.
"No." He choked, shaking his head. "You're - You're dead."
The witch laughed slightly, causing Edmund to cringe. "So I was." She laughed.
There was silence for a long while before Jadis turned towards the iron doors. "Bring them." She snapped to the nearest guard, turning back to Edmund with a smirk on her face.
Edmund's heart skipped a beat and his mouth dropped open when Peter, Susan and Lucy were pushed into the room.
He tried to move, tried to get to them, but he couldn't, all he could do was sit there and watch.
But his eyes went wide in horror when the witch pulled out her wand, no longer broken, and pointed it at the three.
"Before this happens." She laughed. "We should probably thank you Edmund, after all, your brought them here."
Edmund swallowed hard. "I - I wouldn't do that." He whispered.
The witch laughed. "Once a traitor, always a traitor." She said, before all three of them became stone statues.
Edmund broke down sobbing, turning away, unable to look.
He'd done this, he'd caused this... and he'd never be able to forgive himself.

Edmund gasped as he sat bolt upright, a cry of Peter's name dying on his lips.
For a split second he almost expected Peter to pull him into a tight hug and reassure him that it was just a dream and that it wasn't real, that the witch was dead and could never hurt any of them ever again.
But obviously that didn't happen, and Edmund was sat there panting and gasping for almost three minutes, until he finally managed to catch his breath and calm himself down.
Sitting there for a moment he realised that it was still the middle of the night, or probably the early hours of the morning, and told himself that he should probably go back to sleep.
But he cringed at the idea, not wanting another nightmare, which he was almost sure he would have without Peter there.
So instead he pulled himself over to the corner of the cave and leant against the wall, taking a deep breath as he began tracing his fingers in the dirt, needing some way of taking his mind off the dream he'd just had.


Back at Cair, Peter also lay wide awake, despite it being almost four in the morning.
He was laying on his side and staring across the room at the empty bed, tears rolling slowly down his cheeks.
He hadn't slept at all that night, and he knew Susan would be mad at him, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't fall asleep, not without Edmund near.
He let out a choked sob and bit down hard on his lip, fisting his hands into the blankets covering him so hard that he knuckles went white.
He glanced up at his bedside table and at the silver crown laying on it, next to his own gold crown.
This caused another sob to escape him.
How could he of let this happen? He had promised Mum that he'd look after his siblings, and now one of them was dead.
Peter let out another sob.
How could this of happened? How could Aslan of let this happen? Why Edmund?
The image appeared before his eyes again, vivid and heart breaking.
He scrambled out of bed and dashed to the bathroom, just reaching it in time before he threw up.
After a moment or two he slowly stood, resting his forehead against the mirror and taking deep breaths.
He just couldn't do this. Edmund was gone, he'd never ever see him again.
He let out a sob.
He'd never see him smile, never hear him laugh, he'd never see that mischievous smirk again, never hear his voice, never again would he hold him tightly in his arms and burying his face against his hair.
He was gone, forever, and Peter just didn't know how he was supposed to cope.


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