Just gone midnight

423 11 3

Peter's eyes snapped open as he let out a loud gasp, sounding absolutely terrified.
Susan leapt from the chair she'd been sat in, throwing away her book and climbing onto the bed beside Peter.
Lucy looked up from her drawing and at seeing Peter awake her eyes went wide and she joined Susan on the bed.
"Peter." Susan said quickly, placing her hands on Peter's shoulders. "Peter it's okay."
Peter took deep breaths, slowly calming down even if he winced in pain every now and then.
"Okay." Susan soothed, waiting for Peter to drop back down onto the bed before she began talking to him. "Are you alright?" She asked quietly.
Peter swallowed thickly, moving his stare to her. "Bad - Bad dream." He choked, running a hand weakly through his sweat soaked hair.
Susan sighed. "Was it about Ed?" She asked slowly.
Peter frowned but nodded, not saying anything.
"About the stone table?" Susan questioned, staring at him.
Peter's frowned got deeper. "You know?" He choked, barely able to get the words passed his lips.
Susan sighed and nodded. "Lucy told me." She said gently.
Peter glanced at Lucy for a moment before slowly nodded. "I - I was gonna talk with him tonight." He explained.
"We'll do that Peter." Susan reassured him. "You're in no fit state to break something like that to him."
"Why not?" Peter whispered.
"Because if he worries, then you'll worry," Susan said. "And I don't want you going into another coughing fit like the one you recently had."
"How - How long ago was that?" Peter asked.
"Nearly three hours ago." Susan muttered. "I was just about to go and see about dinner."
Peter nodded before his eyes went wide. "Where's Ed?!" He exclaimed, trying to sit up in bed, the image flashing before his eyes.
Susan immediately forced Peter to lay back down, taking a deep breath. "He's fine." She said. "Orious said he saw him going into the library."
Peter stared at her, frowning.
"He's obviously gone to do research Peter." Susan sighed. "He wants to help you - and," She paused for a moment. "And what just happened to you shook him alot more than he'll probably ever admit."
"Was - Was it really that bad?" Peter choked.
Susan nodded. "There was so - so much blood." She choked, shaking her head back and forth as tears appeared in her eye, remember how Edmund had completely froze when he saw Peter like that.
Peter sighed before holding out his arms, Susan without hesitation laying down beside him.
Lucy lay on his other side and buried her face against his neck, Peter wrapping both arms around them and squeezing weakly.
"I'm gonna be okay." Peter mumbled, watching as Susan's eyes slowly slipped shut. "Edmund said he'd sort this. And I trust Aslan as well."
Lucy nodded slowly at this. "I do too." She whispered.
Susan took a deep breath, swallowing hard. "And me."


Edmund took another deep breath as he headed through the woods, the dagger held so tightly in his hands he knew he was gonna give himself blisters.
But that didn't matter, he wouldn't be alive to get blisters anyway.
Taking another deep breath and trying to keep himself from having a panick attack, Edmund thought back to Peter.
Peter was the only thing that was keeping Edmund from turning back... he had to do this, he had to save his brother.
He knew Peter would do the same if it were him, he knew his brother.
And even though Peter wouldn't like this one bit, and even though he knew he'd be upset, he just couldn't allow Peter to die...
Not when he could do something about it.


Susan sighed slightly as she woke, her eyes flickering open and leaving her staring at the top of Lucy's head.
She frowned slightly, sitting up a little and taking in their positions.
Peter was laying on his back, fast asleep with one arm around both of them.
Lucy was also asleep, her head resting on Peter's shoulder, her breathing deep.
Susan had been lying with her head resting on Peters chest, which would explain why she'd woken up to a faceful of Lucy's hair.
It was only after a few moments did Susan realise that it was dark, pitch black actually.
Slowly climbing from the bed (trying her hardest not to disturb her sleeping siblings) she fumbled around in the bedside table draw, managing to find some matches.
She managed to light the candle on the bedside table, before walking around the room and lighting a few more, which lit up the room enough so that she could see. 
Taking a deep breath she glanced at the clock and saw that it was just gone midnight, and was shocked that she'd slept for that long... shocked that all of them had slept that long actually.
Yawning a little she walked back over to the bed, only now realising there were three plates set on a tray at the end of the bed, piled with pastries and whatnot, food that wouldn't go cold and horrible.
She expected she had Edmund to thank for them, not knowing that it was in fact Tumnus who had delivered them around five hours before.
Climbing onto the bed again she gently woke Peter and Lucy, watching them both as there eyes opened and they both let out a groan.
Susan chuckled lightly. "I thought you might both be hungry." She said.
Lucy frowned as she sat up, rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?" She asked.
"Just gone midnight." Susan replied.
Lucy's eyes went wide. "Really?!" She exclaimed, causing Peter to wince.
"Lu not so loud." Susan whispered, pushing Peter's hair from his eyes.
Lucy's face fell. "Sorry." She mumbled.
"It's okay Lu." Peter choked, shaking his head a little. His eyes slipped shut as he said this, only for them to open a second later. "Where's Edmund?" He asked quickly.
Susan's eyes went wide. "Ugh, we were gonna talk to him after dinner." She muttered.
Lucy frowned, glancing over at Edmund empty bed. "But - where is he?" She asked.
Susan frowned, her heart skipping a beat. "I - I don't know."



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