We'll be fine

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Lucy groaned slightly as she woke, stretching before sitting up.
After rubbing her eyes she glanced across at the clock, and frowned at seeing it was 6am, and groaned again at having woken so early.
She went to slip out of bed and go over to Peter, when she stopped dead - Peter wasn't in his bed.
Taking a deep breath Lucy scanned the room, her heart skipping a beat when she saw the bathroom door closed.
Climbing out of bed she ran to the bathroom, pushing the door open and letting out a relieved sigh when she found that it wasn't locked.
Her eyes went wide and she gasped aloud when she saw Peter, laying on the floor, eyes shut, skin white, unconscious.
Falling to her knees beside him, she quickly shook his shoulders, wanting nothing more than for him to wake up. "Peter?" She asked, her voice nothing but panick. "Peter wake up!"
Lucy swallowed hard when her brother made no movement, and all of a sudden a question struck her. How long had Peter been like this? How long had he been unconscious?
"Peter please wake up." Lucy tried again, shaking him for a second time.
When Peter again made no movement Lucy stood and grabbed a cup from the side, filling it with water - she had to wake him up.
Hesitating just slightly she threw the water at Peter's face, jumping a little when Peter's eyes snapped open and he let out a gasp.
Breathing a sigh of relief Lucy sat back down beside him, catching his attention. "Peter?" She asked.
Peter stared at her for a moment before relaxing. "Lu." He breathed, attempting to sit up.
Lucy helped him and leant him against the bath, keeping one hand on his shoulder. "What happened?" She asked.
Peter stared at her for a very long time, wondering if he should tell her the truth, tell her about the image he kept seeing. But after a long while he shook his head. "I threw up and then passed out." He said simply.
"When?" Lucy asked.
Peter hesitated. "Midnight." He mumbled.
Lucy's eyes went wide. "You've been unconscious for 6 hours!" She exclaimed, sounding horrified.
"Is it 6 o'clock?" Peter asked, sounding a little shocked.
Lucy nodded and watched as Peter took a deep breath, looking down at his lap. "You're hiding something." She said suddenly.
Peter's head snapped up to look at her. "What - What do you mean?" He asked.
Lucy stared at him. "There's something you're not telling me." She said slowly.
Peter sighed. "You're right." He whispered, knowing that now there was no point in hiding it.
"What?" Lucy asked hesitantly.
"I - I kept seeing this image - vision?" Peter told her.
"Of what?" Lucy said, looking slightly worried.
Peter took a deep breath. "Of Edmund." He said, watching as Lucy frowned a little. "He - He's lying on the stone table (in the image) and he's dead."
Lucy's eyes went wide. "What?" She whispered.
"That's not even the worst part." Peter choked.
"Then what is?" Lucy asked hesitantly.
Peter sighed. "Lucy." He whispered. "He's holding the knife."
Lucy stared at Peter for a long while before taking a deep breath. "You think it means something?" She asked slowly.
Peter shrugged a little. "I really don't know." He choked. "I hope it doesn't. But everytime I close my eyes... I see it, and its awful. He's laying on the stone table, his eyes closed, his skin white and as cold as ice. The wound in his chest still bleeding, covering him and the table-"
Lucy watched as Peter stopped and actually gagged, looking like he was going to throw up again. "Okay Peter." She said quickly. "Don't think about it."
Peter swallowed thickly, taking a deep breath before attempting to stand.
Lucy helped him, and between the two of them they managed to get back to Peter's bed, Peter collapsing onto it with a sigh.
Lucy immediately covered him with the blankets, staring at him and the tears in his eyes. "Everything will be fine Peter." She whispered. "I promise."


Edmund sighed a little as he woke, stretching before rolling over, seeing Susan and Philip and Susan's horse already awake, sat eating and talking quietly.
Sitting up he took a deep breath. "Why didn't you wake me?" He asked.
Susan looked over at him. "Because you're tired." She said simply.
Edmund stared at her for a moment before nodding a little. "Should we leave Narnia today?" He asked.
Philip nodded. "After about an hour walking I think." He said.
Edmund nodded back. "Good." He said firmly. "And how far is it then to the garden?"
"Certainly by nightfall." Philip reassured him.
Susan breathed a sigh of relief, the quicker they got to the garden the quicker they got home.
"Shall we continue then?" Edmund said as he stood, brushing the grass off his trousers.
Susan stared up at him. "Once you've had something to eat." She said.
Edmund sighed. "I'm not hungry." He mumbled after a moment of hesitation.
Susan raised an eyebrow. "We aren't doing this Ed." She said, folding her arms. "You either eat or we stay here."
Edmund glared at her before sitting back down on the floor, grabbing the food Susan handed him before quickly eating it. "Happy?" He asked as he stood again, wiping his mouth.
Susan couldn't help but smirk. "Quite." She said with a nod before she too stood.
"Let's go then." Edmund said, walking over to Philip.
They travelled for perhaps another 50 minutes before Philip announced that they were about to leave Narnia, and for some reason Edmund found himself rather worried.
Susan came up to him on her horse and leant over to place a hand on his shoulder. "You'll be fine." She said. "I won't let those wolves or anyone anywhere near you okay?"
Edmund nodded hesitantly, but still didn't look very convinced.
"Ed we have Lucy's cordial and our weapons." Susan said. "We'll be fine."
Edmund took a deep breath before nodding firmly. "Let's go." He said, before they all entered the woods, leaving Narnia behind.


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