At the garden

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"Peter please have something to eat." Lucy sighed. She was sat on the bed beside her brother, a bowl of soup in her hand.
Peter shook his head. "You know what'll happen if I do." He mumbled, voice weak and tired.
Lucy sighed. "It's only some soup." She said. "You didn't throw up last time you had soup."
"That was days ago!" Peter argued, groaning when his head started to pound. "Look Lu, I'm really not in the mood to argue right now."
"Then eat the soup." Lucy said simply.
Peter said nothing and turned his stare to the ceiling, taking deep breaths.
"If I remember correctly." Lucy said. "You promised Edmund that you'd keep eating even if you did keep throwing up."
Peter sighed, hoping she wouldn't bring that up.
"If you die of starvation then Edmund and Susan would've risked their lives for nothing." Lucy finished rather firmly.
Peter looked back to her but sighed and nodded, sitting up and leaning against the pillows.
Lucy gave him a pleased nod before handing him the bowl, watching him like a hawk until he began eating... very slowly.
"When do you reckon they'll be back?" Peter whispered after a while.
Lucy sighed. "Hopefully not too much longer." She replied quietly.
"Let's just hope they can actually find the knife." Peter sighed, eating another spoonful of soup.
Lucy nodded. "They will." She said.
"And let's hope neither of them get hurt." Peter muttered.
"They'll be fine." Lucy reassured him. "And anyway, they took the cordial."
Peter swallowed hard. "I guess." He choked, dropping the spoon.
"Pete?" Lucy asked worridly.
Peter took a deep breath before he began coughing, handing the bowl to Lucy before covering his mouth with his hands.
Lucy didn't have a clue what to do as Peter sat there coughing, in the end she placed the blow on the bedside table and placed a hand gently on his shoulder.
She waited until Peter calmed down before taking a deep breath. "You okay?" She asked hesitantly.
Peter sighed and removed his hands. "I'm fine." He whispered.
"Pete your hands!" Lucy exclaimed suddenly.
Peter looked down and sighed and the blood that was quite clearly visible. "Yeah I forgot to tell you about that." He murmered.
"You mean its happened before?' Lucy asked.
Peter nodded. "Before I passed out last night." He told her.
Lucy took a deep breath. "You don't think you've been poisoned like Edmund do you?" She asked.
Peter shook his head. "I doubt it." He mumbled. "I mean, I'm not having trouble breathing or anything." He paused. "Except last night, but I think that was just a panick attack."
"You had a panick attack." Lucy choked.
Peter sighed. "You try seeing your younger brother dead and covered in blood every time you close your eyes." He muttered.
Lucy stared at him for a while. "We will find out why you keep seeing that Peter." She whispered. "I know we will."


"The garden is up that hill." Philip told Edmund and Edmund slowly climbed off of him, staring up the hill at the wall.
"We both going?" Susan asked.
Edmund turned to face her, having a little trouble seeing her in the dark. "I don't know su-" He mumbled.
Susan sighed and climbed down from her own horse. "I'm coming." She said firmly. "You aren't going alone."
Edmund sighed but nodded anyway. "We'll be back in a minute." He told Philip before he and Susan began the climb up the hill.
By the time they reached the top they were both out of breath and exhausted, both of them having to sit down for a minute to catch their breath.
After five minutes Edmund stood and walked over to the gates, attempting to push them open, but they wouldn't budge. "Its locked!" He whispered to Susan, who walked over to stand by him.
"How are we supposed to get in?" She muttered.
"Why do you want to get in?"
Both Susan and Edmund jumped at the voice, swinging around and pulling out their weapons.
They both relaxed a little when they spotted a dryad, stood now in front of them.
"Please let us in." Edmund said quickly.
"Why do you need to get in?" The dryad repeated.
Edmund swallowed hard. "You remember my brother came here a few weeks ago?" He asked slowly.
"King Edmund, Queen Susan." The dryad said, before quickly bowing.
"Yes." Susan said. "When my brother, King Peter, came here he ran into a hag in the garden."
"That is impossible." The dryad interrupted. "No one can get into the garden except through this gate."
"Well somehow the hag did." Susan explained. "And she cut my brother with a knife. Since then he's fallen ill and we need the knife to find out what's going on."
The dryad stared at then for a while. "I will not let you in." It said.
Edmund's eyes went wide. "You have to!" He exclaimed, panick in his voice.
"I will retrieve the knife." The dryad said quickly. "And if I find you were lying, then you will never return here ever again."
And with that she disappeared into the garden.
Edmund took a deep breath. "What if she can't find the knife?" He asked, sounding more than a little worried.
"I'm sure she will Edmund." Susan said hesitantly. "Don't worry."
The two waited in silence for atleast fifteen minutes, before the dryad appeared again.
"Did you find it?" Edmund asked quickly.
The dryad stared at him for a moment before handing him a dagger.
Edmund breathed a sigh of relief and thankfully took it from her.
"I am unable to explain how the hag got into the garden." She said. "But I will be looking into it. I hope you find out what is going on."
Both Susan and Edmund thanked the dryad before she once again left.
"Come on." Edmund said quickly. "Let's get this dagger home."


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