All my love

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"I'll go and find him." Susan said with a sigh. "And if he's still in that library then-"
"Then I'll have a go at him." Peter cut in with a small smirk.
Susan laughed a little. "Of course you will." She said as she climbed off the bed. "I wont be long, Lu look after Peter."
She waited until Lucy had nodded before leaving the room, straightening her dress and heading for the library.
She only passed a few guards on her way there, seeming as everyone else was asleep, and she was rather glad, she knew she probably looked a mess, well - her hair anyway.
Reaching the library she pushed open the door and scanned the room, not seeing Edmund.
She slowly walked over to his desk to see if there were any books on there, wondering if she'd get any clue to what Edmund had been researching about.
But instead she found a piece of paper, a note actually, to her, Peter and Lucy.
Recognising it to be Edmund's hand writing, she frowned slightly and hesitantly picked up the note and silently began reading

Dear Peter, Susan and Lucy.
You're probably gonna wanna be sat down whilst you read this.
I'm really sorry to tell you that I lied... I really do know how to save Peter.
And the reason I lied is because I knew, I just knew, you wouldn't let me do it.
But I can tell you now, because by the time you read this letter I'll probably be long gone.
Aslan told me, in my dream, that the dagger that was used on Peter was made from dark magic, and the only way to break it was to have a human sacrifice on the stone table.
After reading that I guess you've already guessed what I've done, and I want to say I'm sorry, but I just can't let Peter die, not when I can do something about it.
I know this will upset you all, and I'll miss you terribly, but remember this...
Lucy, you're funny and loving and I love you so much. I can never thank you enough for forgiving me without a second thought, and for looking after me when I was poisoned. I'm gonna miss you so much, but we'll see each other again, one day I'm sure we will.
Susan, I'll miss you too, I'll miss how you always look after me, always comfort me and help me when I need it. You've been amazing over the past month, and I'd never be able to find a way to say thank you, I am, I really, really am grateful for all you've done for me.
And Peter. I know this is gonna be hard to you when one of the girls, probably Susan, reads this to you. But I want to tell you, please do not blame yourself.
I have made this decision because I love you, and I can not let you die. You've done nothing to deserve death, whereas me on the other hand, I can't say the same thing.
I love you so much Peter, never ever forget that. And thank you, for everything you've done... I guess it's now my turn to return a favour.
Thank you all for everything you've done, and I hope we'll meet again some day.

All my love
Ed xxx

Tears streamed down Susan's cheeks and she collapsed into the desk chair, her hands shaking as she trembled. "No." She whispered, shaking her head back and forth. "No, no, no."
After a few minutes of sobbing, Susan took a deep breath and set off at a run to Peter and Edmund's room.
Once she reached it, she burst through the doors, making Lucy jump in fright and Peter to groan in pain as he too jumped.
"Su?" Lucy asked worridly at seeing the tears rolling down Susan's cheeks. "What's wrong?"
Susan choked on a sob. "It's Ed." She whispered.
"What about him?" Peter asked quickly.
"He - He knows how to save you." Susan said hesitantly, showing Peter the note.
"How?" Peter choked, to tired to wander why Susan was crying about that.
Susan took a deep breath. "You're really not gonna like this." She choked, before she slowly began reading... aloud.
By the time she got to the end she was sobbing again, collapsing onto the side of the bed.
Lucy was crying too, her breath coming in short quick gasps as she came to terms with the fact that Edmund had gone to kill himself to save Peter.
Peter stared ahead, not moving, not blinking, Susan wasn't even sure if he was breathing.
"Pete?" She choked.
Peter was silent for a while. "Go after him." He said quickly. "He - He might not be there yet."
Susan stared at him.
"Go after him!" Peter all but shouted. "The - The image." He said suddenly.
"No." Lucy choked, sobbing.
Susan forced back anymore tears. "I'll go after him." She said quickly. "And I'll send a gryffin ahead."
Peter nodded. "I'm coming too." He choked.
"No you're not!" Susan said quickly. "You're staying right here."
"Peter Pevensie you are staying here." Susan snapped, standing from the bed. "I'm gonna bring him home."
"Alive?" Lucy hoped.
Susan swallowed hard. "Alive." She choked with a nod.
Peter took a deep breath, tears now rolling slowly down his cheeks. "Why - Why would he do this?" He choked.
"He - He loves you." Susan whispered as she grabbed her cloak from the back of the chair she usually sat at.
Peter didn't say anything to this and just burst into tears, curling in on himself and burying himself under the blankets.
Lucy took a deep breath. "Just go." She told Susan. "I'll look after him."
Susan nodded and headed for the door.
"And Susan?"
She spun back around to face Lucy, a questioning look on her face.
"Bring him home." She whispered.
Susan sighed and nodded before quickly leaving. "I'll try." She whispered, before heading for the main entrance


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