I missed you

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"You sure you're alright with carrying me?" Edmund asked as he slipped from the horse.
Peter climbed down after him, an eyebrow raised. "Course." He said.
Edmund smirked a little at him.
"Hang on." Susan said suddenly. "How an earth are we supposed to explain why you don't have a wound? Everyone thinks you stabbed yourself."
Edmund took a deep breath as he saw Peter cringe. "You cleaned me up and gave me a fresh tunic." He muttered. "Simple."
"This better work." Lucy sighed.
"It will." Edmund breathed. "Hopefully." He added under his breath.
"Right." Peter said. "Ready?"
Edmund nodded before Peter picked him up, bridal style.
Edmund sighed and stared at him for a moment before nodding and letting his head fall against his shoulder.
Peter's eyes filled with tears as Edmund closed his eyes, remembering the image of him dead on the stone table all too vividly.
"I'm ready." Edmumd mumbled.
Peter took a deep breath before walking towards the main entrance.
The first group of guards they came across looked utterly shocked at the sight of Edmund, but bowed their heads as the three walked past.
"So far so good." Lucy muttered, amazed at how Edmund hadn't moved a muscle.
On the way up the stairs they bumped into Orious, who looked slightly shocked. "What?" He questioned.
"We - We went looking for him." Susan choked.
Orious frowned. "Where did you find him?" He asked.
There was a moment of silence before Peter spoke up. "A few of the witches creatures took him." He whispered, looking at anything but the centaur.
After that they came across Mr.Tumnus, three more groups of guards and Mr and Mrs beaver before they reached Peter and Edmund's room.
Susan quickly opened the door and Peter stepped inside, taking a deep breath as he did, forcing back his tears.
The second Lucy closed the door, Edmund's eyes opened and he stared up at Peter, a small smile on his face. "I knew it would work." He joked.
Peter managed a smile as he put Edmund back on his feet, but keeping a hand firmly on his shoulder.
"Now we've just gotta be careful until tomorrow." Susan said. "We can't be too loud, well, Ed can't."
Edmund shook his head. "I won't." He whispered.
All four of them swung around when there was a knock at the door.
Edmund's eyes went wide as he ran over to his bed and lay down, closing his eyes and going as still as a statue.
Peter couldn't help but think that he actually looked dead as he turned towards the door, and had to fight to keep the tears back.
Taking a deep breath he opened the door, to reveal Orious and Tumnus.
"Your majesty." Orious said, bowing his head. "I'm sorry to disturb you like this, I know this time must be hard for you, but I did need to talk to you about something."
Peter stared at him, not missing how he looked over his shoulder to Edmund who was laying on the bed.
"What is it?" Peter asked, sounding slightly curious.
"Well sir." Orious said, sounding extremely hesitant. "Its been nearly a week since, well, he died. Don't you think we should start - start funeral preparations?"
Peter stopped breathing at this.
He's not dead. He's not dead. He's not dead.
He repeated this over and over again in his head until he aloud himself to breathe again.
But I can't tell anyone, not yet
Peter swallowed hard before taking a deep breath. "I'll - I'll have a think about it and get back to you tomorrow." He mumbled, but loud enough so that both Orious and Tumnus could hear.
Both of them nodded. "Thank you your majesties." Orious said. "And again, we're so sorry." And with that they were gone.
Peter groaned quietly as he closed the door, turning around and watching as Edmund slowly sat up. "Now they're planning my funeral!?" He exclaimed, a hint of a smile on his face.
Peter took a deep breath and leant back against the door. "It would appear that way." He muttered, before turning to Susan. "Su, would you be able to arrange for everyone to be in the throne room tomorrow morning at 9am?" He asked.
Susan nodded. "I'll do that now." She said, before slowly leaving the room.
"Do you want me to go and arrange dinner?" Lucy asked.
Peter stared at her for a moment. "That would be great." He breathed. "Thanks Lu."
Lucy smiled. "I'll tell them we want to eat up here." She said as she left the room, leaving just Peter and Edmund.
Peter sighed as he walked across the room and sat on the edge of Edmund's bed.
"You okay?" Edmund asked hesitantly, looking rather worried.
Peter took a deep breath. "Yeah." He answered.
Edmund nodded a little. "I know this is a bit of a shock-"
Peter snorted, a faint smile on his face. "You think?" He said.
Edmund smiled back a bit. "And I promise you we'll talk tonight." He finished. "Before bed, and then tomorrow I'll talk to the girls."
"Why do you wanna talk to us separately?" Peter questioned.
Edmund hesitated. "I just dont wanna go into too much detail with the girls." He mumbled. "But you deserve to know it all."
Peter's eyes filled with tears. "I really missed you." He choked out after a while.
Edmund sighed. "I missed you too Peter." He whispered. "And I'm so sorry you had to go nearly a week thinking I was dead."
Peter looked down. "It's not the first time I thought you were dead so-" He mumbled, trailing off.
Edmund sighed sadly, he knew Peter wouldn't even begin to compare the last week to those few seconds at Beruna, he was just saying that.
After a moment or two Peter shuffled over and sat beside Edmund, pulling him tightly in his arms.
Edmund sighed warmly and rested his head against Peter's chest, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Love you Pete." He whispered.
Peter smiled lightly. "Love you too."


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