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Memories are not always good. They can be bad. Bad enough to make you shiver, and sometimes no matter how hard you try leaving them in the past..they just stick. Hovering at the back of your mind, whispering into your ears, 'I'm still with you.'

She tried to forget them, I promise she tried. But she surrendered.

Sleeping meds were the last resort, but how much could they do? Every morning she gasped awake with a new nightmare replaying in her sweat-drenched head.

Kissed by the Californian sun, she blinked her eyes awake and ran her hands down her sun-burned tanned skin, just before she closed the window.

Her eyes squinted over the large unfamiliar room, and she sighed. Cam said it could take a while before getting used to the new apartment, but she had begun to doubt her brother.

She opted for brushing, sharply moving the bristles against her teeth as though they could wipe away the terror living in her.

Lauren Pevensie considered herself lucky that she was unrecognizable in the human world. She enjoyed the fact that she could be an average nineteen years old in this dimension, and although it was humbly challenging to tone down her beauty to fit in with the human girls, she did try. Being a descendant of a god didn't make matters easier either.

Her heart-shaped face and delicate cheekbones, fiery red hair falling down to her shoulders, full lips and slender body, topped with her darkened blue eyes-sigh. It was no wonder the humans found her more than appealing, which sometimes turned to Lauren's disadvantage.

She sprinted to the kitchen in her aqua-printed dress after eating breakfast and

After breakfast, she moved to the balcony, wanting to let whatever Californian air existed sweep away her worries.

Puffy clouds dotted the sky on the less crowded beach near her house. She soaked up the sun, laying down on the sand, surrounded by the waves. For a few seconds, she could almost believe that she was a normal girl, living entirely in everyday life. That she was here just to tan her body a bit more like the other girls.

Suddenly a salty wind tickled her skin, making her shiver. The temperature around drastically dropped, and the sun hid behind the clouds. The yellow glow had turned to a dark, gloomy cover.

"Gosh! Is it going to rain? How strange!" a girl yelled to her boyfriend.

Lauren froze in her spot till she felt the burning gaze of someone. Looking towards the ridge, about twenty-five feet behind her, she found the culprit.

A boy stood above, staring down below at her with a tilted head. His curly black hair smoothed to his head. His lean body towering up to the height of seven feet. It was hard to figure out his features from that distance, but it was easy to guess the expressions very similar to a sneer.

His white shirt moved back, exposing his scar-covered bronze chest, with the wind flow that increased with every second. Lauren felt her jaw drop. Dark scars.

Slowly the breath left her as heavy grey clouds loomed over her head. A rumble of thunder boomed in the sky, and the rain crashed down on the beach, soaking them all. A strong wind rushed across and whipped her hair back. The man on the ridge turned and moved out of her sight. She turned too, to look at that sea that stretched endlessly. The angry waves smacked against the boat's side tied down to a little distance away from her. The dark sky lit up by the lightning, flashing through the clouds like an ax cracking through it. Petrified, Lauren ran to the end of the beach without looking back. Another lightning flashed, this time it felt very near to her. Her dress stuck to her skin due to the heavy rain that crashed down on her.

Appalled, she continued to run to the safety of her Mustang. Finally reaching to her car, she grabbed open the door with a hastiness. Inserting the key in the ignition, she waited for the engine to start. Meanwhile, the strangest phenomenon unfolded in front of her eyes. The lightning cracked through the sky and wracked everything along its way. People ran here and there in the chaotic weather. The storm growled over their head as if it was eating their fear. And it continued to grow stronger and stronger. Her car was still not starting. Her face grew pale as the lightning made its way towards her car. Panic-stricken, she tried to open the gate of her car, but somehow it remained stuck no matter how much energy she asserted. Her eyes grew round with fear. She wasn't allowed to use her abilities outside the dimensions. Fate would punish everyone she loves for that. The lightning crashed on the windshield of her car with an unearthly sound, and the glass pieces flew everywhere. One of them pierced her eyeball.

And Lauren woke up screaming on the sand where she had fallen asleep among the waves. But it couldn't just be a dream. She still felt the adrenaline rushing through her stiff body. She could feel the goosebumps on her arms and legs. Her hands felt clampy. The waves looked calm though. The sky looked untouched from the fury she had seen in her dream. Instead, it looked cheerful enough. Still, Lauren could feel the hazy air around her. A feeling of foreboding stayed with her. She felt a gaze linger on her, and she turned. A figure emerged from the waves in front of her. A seven feet tall man towering over her body. Screaming, she ran towards her Mustang, just like in her dream. The difference was that this time when she reached her car and started the engine, it actually began with ease, and no lightning followed her. With her heart pounding in her hands, she drove on full speed. Away from the beach and away from the man with curly black hairs. But the chaos was still following her, or it would be right to say that the man was yet following her. He appeared in front of her car suddenly. Panicked, she pressed the brakes so hard that her head hit the steering of her car, a thick trail of blood flowed down her head into her flaming red hair. And the last thing she heard was the unhinging of the door of her car.


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