City of Ruins

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There was a tap at the door in the afternoon. Lauren went to open it and it was none other than her best friend, Kristina smiling. She is undoubtedly one of the few person, Lauren can trust blindfolded. She wore a Red top and jeans. Her black wavy hairs pinned up in a ponytail. Her green eyes shone brightly.

"Kristina! Hi" Lauren said, pulling her into a hug. She is a protector of their city like her and also her brother's fiancée.

"Who is at the door Lauren?" Cam asked, shouting from the living room.

A giggle escaped Kristina's mouth and she quickly covered it with her hand. Lauren giggled along with her.

It's been almost a year since both of them awkwardly admitted that they were deciding to get married. At the end of this year, Kristina aka her best friend is officially going to join their family. It has always been her and Cam and she felt relieved when she heard that news.
What can be better than to have your best friend as your sister in law? But.....she felt jealous that Cam and Kristina were always busy with each other nowadays.
"Why don't you see for yourself?" She shouted back with an amused tone.

Kristina giggled again, her face lightning up and Lauren called her inside. Cam came out and his face lit up like Kristina.
I guess that's what love does to you. She thought.

Yes it's early for them to get married but it is normal in their world. You can get married early or late.

Once inside Cam pulled on Kristina's hand with a big smile on his face and made her sit beside him on their leather sofa set. Lauren came in smiling awkwardly as always, trying not to feel like a third wheel but it was getting rather difficult lately. Settling a big grin on her face, she sat on the sofa in front of them. Holding hands as they stared back at her with a goofy grin of their own, Kristina blushing a little.

"I wanted to visit the new house," Kristina explained, blushing a little more. She was the only one beside them who knew where they were living in the human world. Lauren grinned at her in a knowing way.

"Yeah about time. Once we are crowned, I will talk with Bill if he could let us live here" Cam declared. They both stared at him with astonished looks on their faces.

"But...we can't live here. City is ours to protect, surely we can't abandon it like that?" Kristina asked with a troubled look on her face.

Unlike them Kristina has lived in the Ninth city since a long time. She visited them often but the city was her home and Cam is asking her to leave her home behind. The look on her face was not enough to justify the inner turmoil she must be feeling after hearing that.

"We are not abandoning the city. We will always protect it, when they need us" Cam said assuringly.

Kristina looked at her with frantic eyes. Lauren looked back at her with reassurance as if to say, 'everything will be okay'.
As the dark clouds ascended in the sky, Lauren stared at them in resentment. It was dark and gloomy this night. Or it would be safe to say that the weather has been gloomy and menacing since she went on the beach to get relaxed. When something like this happened inside the city, people called it the way of Power Gods to communicate with their disciples and their descendants.
Lauren isn't sure if this really is a truth or a filtered story but for some reason, right now sitting here on the roof of her perfectly 'undamaged' car, she could feel the winds and the sky trying to communicate with her.

Like a messenger delivering a grave news, like an anxious person's cry, like backlash of the waves, a wind rushed to hit her on the face. It's whispers left unheard and disappointment settled in the air as Lauren sat unaware of the messages delivered to her.

"Stop brooding. It doesn't suit someone as fiery as you" Kristina said, the bells in her bracelet of her left hand announced her arrival.

Sitting near Lauren, she gulped the coke in her hand. Lauren gave her a glare and she chuckled, clearly understanding the meaning behind the glare and passed her the can. A smile surfaced on Lauren's sad face as she took it from her hand.

"I am just a little upset," Lauren explained, passing the half filled can back to her.

Kristina gave her disgusting eye after taking a look inside the can but raised her eyebrows in question at Lauren's confession.

"You could have called me..... or better Robert" Kristina said and kneed her in the thigh playfully.
Lauren chuckled genuinely hearing the name of her crush. She smiled idiotically at Kristina who looked at her amused.

"I would have but he has been busy lately plus he would have just offered to take me back inside the city. I don't want to go there......yet" Lauren said while trying to get hold of the coke.
Kristina threw it up in the air and kicked it with swiftness. It landed inside the dustbin near them.

"Goal" Kristina announced proudly.

"What did you see in the dream Lauren that has you so shaken up?" She continued after Lauren got down from the car.

She stared in the honest, curious eyes of her best friend and her resolve melt like the iron in the scorching fire.

As if to seek her permission with hooded eyes, Kristina touched both sides of Lauren's temple slowly.

Lauren stayed still, anticipating what Kristina was trying to do. Her best friend closed her green eyes that always spoke honestly and probed deep into her mind with her powers.

Lauren gasped at the surge of power rushed inside her, invading her privacy but Lauren didn't hold up her barriers and allowed Kristina to probe deeper inside. Leading her to unrealistic events that have unfolded in front of her just a few days ago.
And the time slowed and rushed forward at once as she was once again on the same beach looking at the black curly haired boy in front of her. But this time Kristina with her. Her breath mingled with her. It was difficult to recognize if she was Kristina or Lauren anymore. All she could to do was to push her legs to run. Her ankles screamed in pain as she exerted all the force in them.
And Lauren fell on the ground as Kristina shrieked and moved away from her in shock.

Her body was covered with sweat and her skin pale. The front door of the house opened as Cam came running outside with long strides and stopped when he saw his sister kneeling on the ground and his fianceè standing a few meters apart, shaking and panting.

Cam wrapped his arms around her like a safety net and then worriedly looked at his sister on the ground.

Lauren felt hurt that Cam checked upon Kristina before he checked his sister but she stood up and nodded at him to assure him that she was fine. Cam visibly relaxed hearing that and unwrapped his arms around Kristina.

"What happened?" Cam asked curiously as Kristina and his sister both avoided his gaze.

"We saw a rat. You know I hate rats' ' Kristina spoke suddenly before Cam could inquire Lauren.
His eyebrows rose high up in his forehead as he looked at both of them with disappointment.

"You scared me," Cam said disapprovingly, moving away from them and going back inside the house with a scowl on his face.

"This isn't normal. No one can use power like this outside the power dimension. We have to go there" Kristina babbled nervously as soon as Cam was nowhere in sight.

"Go where?" Lauren asked, confused.

"The City of Ruins" Kristina whispered back with a determined look on her face.

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