The Wind God

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"You mean you saw him with Tom, Dean and whomever the third one is?" Lauren asked.

"Yes" John confirmed nodding.
Before they could inquire more a knock sounded on the door.

Lauren and Kristina looked at each other with anxiety plastered on their faces.

John opened the door to reveal Tom standing in the doorway with an infectious grin on his face.

"Ladies. John, the baker" Tom greeted them.

John looked at Tom flustered and motioned him to come inside the house.

"Tom, how did you know we are here?" Kristina asked.

"Well, you both left unannounced so I figured you would be here to meet your brother obviously" Tom answered shrugging.

"It's not like we are your prisoners here. We don't need to announce our every move now" Lauren complained frustrated.

Kristina gave her an approving glance and shot a look at Tom who seemed unaffected from the blame.

"Of Course not. It was important for me to come here. Our crowned protector is ready to meet you" Tom declared cheerfully.

"Why is he out of his 'purple is the new black' phase?" Kristina  scoffed.

"Uh...I wouldn't say that exactly," Tom replied thoughtfully. Kristina gave her a side eye roll.

"It was nice meeting you John" Lauren whispered after hugging him and ruffling his hairs.

He grinned at her and bowed. Kristina pulled his cheeks for being overdramatic. And they set out for the castle again. This time a plan in their minds.

Tom Henz was not as cheerful as he usually appeared from outside. To be honest, he was bored. After all, what can you do possibly in a city with strange people and two brothers, among which one always busied himself in scheming wars and other stayed awfully uptight.

No girl in the city was enough to catch his eyes. It was a miraculous day when he saw a lady who made his life a little interesting. The first time he saw Kristina Mallard was the first time she slammed into him, spiralling down the stairs with him.

They had landed on the ground groaning but Tom couldn't help but hold the beauty on top of him. Her hairs as black as the night without a moon, spread over her face like a curtain hiding her from his prying eyes.

He couldn't be blamed when his hands lifted on their own and brushed them away to stare straight in her soulful eyes. He was shocked to find that those eyes had looked back at him with bitterness. And was even more shocked when she struggled and went rampant in his arms.

Awkwardly he had released her and after giving him a venomous look, she had gone away without giving an apology for slamming into him while running in a busy market. That happened five years ago.

He was relieved to find her in the same market after a year passed and soon learned that she was a descendant like him of the Ninth city. He made her brother a friend of his. And the next time she visited her brother, Tom was there to impress her with the useful information provided to him by her brother.

But still she stayed bitter towards him. Refusing to let him become even her friend. He was frustrated beyond imagination and said some things to her that he never should have said. And she never came back after..... that until now.

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