Reality Check

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"I am nervous" George whispered in Lauren's ear. Samuel and she gave him an envious glance.

"Sure you are" Samuel whispered back, the mocking tone visible in his voice.

"No I really am," George said shyly.

Shy? He gets embarrassed too? Lauren looked at him thoughtfully. He didn't seem nervous at first glance though. He stood rigid with confidence. An easy smile curving on his lips. But behind his back where he has folded his hands, his fingers twitched constantly. His neck shined with sweat.

He is nervous. Good! Lauren thought, smirking.

His aqua dark eyes caught her then. A teasing glint in them as he checked her out. She was wearing a tight robe like thing with a thorn belt at her waist. The colour of the robe matching her hairs. And Kristina has gone overboard with her makeup. Preparing her into an assassin's look.

"Gosh don't be so smug. But really are you not affected by it all?" George asked her directly.

Samuel too searched her face with a mixture of curiosity and interest.

"It's not my name they are chanting" Lauren replied shrugging and turned to gesture at the crowd.

Watching her motion and George's sudden glance towards the crowd, they erupted into a louder cheer. They probably thought George and Lauren were acknowledging their cheering.

Lauren gave them a game winning smile and a wink. The crowd got divided then, half of them started chanting for her.
George narrowed his eyes at her in clear annoyance and amusement. Samuel just bowed his head and rolled his eyes.

"Girls" He muttered with no hint of jealousy but just a pure joking tone.

Lauren giggled beside him.
It would be wrong to say that she isn't scared or nervous. The ground beneath her and Samuel on her left side knows how much she is freaking out right now. But it felt exhilarating as well.

Is it possible that I am finding this competition exciting somehow? Lauren thought, tapping her chin. And then grinned.

Yes she is. She has never loved attention but this felt different. And as an added bonus she can kick out her recent frustrations into people. And one more thing. She is so ready to let people know about her true potential.

Especially Jennifer and George. She is ready to show Robert that his training has worked. She is so ready to kick some ass.

"So you are Lauren...." A voice behind her started with a doubtful look.

She turned to meet the stranger. Few power guards stood around a girl with ridiculously green hairs. She wore a matching green robe. Lauren gave her a polite smile and nodded in agreement.

The girl scoffed in indifference. "Let's see, how much the human world suited you"

"Careful! You are playing with fire Marine darling" George commented.

The girl blushed suddenly and moved a little closer to him. Her hand reaching out for his collar. Lauren gagged mentally.

"Really? I bet she can't light a match" George shared an amusing look with Samuel at that, his eyes meeting hers for a moment and then they settled on Marine again.

"Hands off" Jennifer snapped, appearing suddenly.

Marine blushed some more and moved back to give space to Jennifer, who touched George's chest like staking a territory. George chuckled and kissed her cheeks.

"Marine, you better get lost. I don't know about a match but it would be a horrible death by lightning" Jennifer warned, throwing daggers at the girl with her black eyes.

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