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"Robert!" Lauren shouted frustrated outside his door.

She banged her fist on the door again.
He came out looking flustered and sleepy. His golden hairs tangled everywhere, making him look cute.

No he isn't cute! He is sly. Concentrate damn it! A voice shouted at her internally.

"Lauren? What are you doing up so early?" He asked, yawning.

Frowning she pushed him inside without a word. He looked at her hand that had pushed him in rather rudely in shock.

"Hey are you-"

"Why the hell you told Bill and Mia that I would be participating in the competition?" Lauren asked, cutting him in between.

When she came back home after the 'Bond over Tea' moment with George (that didn't really work), Kristina and Cam launched themselves at her. They complained how she wasn't telling them anything nowadays. Even if it felt surprising that Lauren wanted city people's approval suddenly. It's a good thing. She should have told him. Cam had said a little hurt. When Lauren complained that she had no idea what they both were complaining about, that's when they had told her about the competition.

Realisation dawned upon his face as he gave her a guilty look. Still he didn't look so sorry.

"Why are you pressuring me so much these days? I don't understand" Lauren snapped in frustration. He flinched back at that.

"I am not pressuring you Lauren. Why would I? You agreed to it before. Didn't you? You agreed that George can't be trusted as a Lead protector. I am just ensuring the safety of my city. Is that so wrong?" Robert snapped back at her. His facial features display his irritation like her.

"Yes I agreed. But you should have asked before giving my name into some fighting competition" Lauren spat, her hands massaging her forehead.

"I am sorry" Robert whispered shrugging.

He still isn't sorry. Stop acting. Damn you. Just because I like you that doesn't mean you can....Lauren bit her lips, unable to complete her sentence.

She felt scared to complete it. What is happening? They weren't supposed to be like this after their confession. Being friends was better than this...whatever is happening between them now. Are they really not meant to be?

"Is this all you are going to say?" She asked him. He raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"What else do you want me to say?"

"I don't. How about what the heck I have to do in this competition anyway. I am not prepared. Unless you want me to embarrass myself. Tell me what is this all about?" Lauren replied, gritting her teeth.

"It's like a sporting gesture. A competition for entertainment actually. It's supposed to be held every five year. The last one was three years ago. Next one was in the upcoming year but since there is a possibility of attack on our city, Bill  announced it this year. It can be a perfect training session, you know" Robert explained shrugging.

"And how will that help me in becoming the Lead Protector?"

"People will see your strength. They will know that there is another candidate as capable as George. More than him actually. So will Mia. She would know that too. And once she believes that. It's done" He answered. Lauren looked at him with troubled eyes. A pit growing in her stomach.

'And it truly troubles me to see you getting betrayed like that'
George's words rang in her ears repeatedly. Was he talking about Robert? Impossible! Robert would never!

Still there is that look again. He looked at her with admiration and satisfaction. Like she is a shining trophy.

"Rob?" Lauren whispered slowly.

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