Fall of a God

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Dean threw a punch on the wall, frustrated out of his wits. Tom sighed behind his back.

"You are exaggerating the situation Dean" Tom whispered carefully.

Dean turned to look at him directly. Tom stepped back a little shaken up. Dean's eyes glowed red as a blood warrior.

"I am exaggerating?! How can you even say that when you got beaten up by some smelling dead guys?"

"This is pointless. Karl tell him to control himself" Tom said, stepping back more as Dean's eyes glowed more, expressing his anger.

"Karl tell our brother, that I will only calm down when we kill that threatening new king"

"STOP" Karl shouted at both of them.

Dean stilled, his eyes returning back to their green colour. Tom finding his other brother safer now moved towards him. Karl caught his movement as he moved near Dean. His aura surrounded the room, all around them. Tom and Dean looked at each other with worry.

"Stop bickering like children. Dean you can't possibly think that you want revenge more than me? He has challenged this city. He has challenged me!" Karl said exhaling, his eyes steely as he took in the city he has ruled from centuries, from the balcony they stood in.

"That's right. Let's slay them all brother. What are you-"

"Right time. It's always about the right time" Red priest said cutting in between Dean's sentences. His hair bells announced his arrival in the room.

"Priest" Karl said acknowledging him, he nodded back stiffly.

"Dean.......Tom?" Red priest said in a demanding manner.

"Yes?" They both replied together.

"Have you ever heard the story 'Fall of the God' ?" Priest asked looking at Karl. He narrowed his eyes back in response.

"No we haven't sir" Tom replied confused.

"Long time ago, there lived a God. Ruler of this city. Strongest of them all. But also the darkest one. Whatever he touched, became cursed. Whenever he found something that gave him pleasure, it always had a horrible end. The end result always being him left all alone. And just when he thought things couldn't go more wrong, God fell. Lower and lower, among the people he considered as mere insects. His hatred grew and so did his desire to take over everything.  The others knew of his plan. So they did something that led to the biggest war of all time in the history of the Power dimension.
Sides were taken. Cities destroyed. Gods dead. And it all started when the fallen God fell for something even much worse" Priest recited the story in a monotonous tone.

"You are talking about Azhazel. What did he fall for Priest? What can be worse than being fallen?" Dean asked with narrowed eyes.

Tom inhaled as he already knew the reason. He took in his brother Karl who looked too calm like a statue.

"Desperation. In the fallen god's case, desperation to love and to be loved"

"Are you saying that we are getting desperate?" Dean spat in a venomous tone.

"Dean, watch it," Tom said, scolding him.

"You are, my child. You must listen to Karl. Trust him, he knows better than to be desperate. Isn't that right Karl?" Priest said, smirking to Karl.

A look passed between them as Karl nodded with a tightly clenched jaw.


"Oof! Do we need to go there? I mean we just searched the place. Nobody is here Trex" Maze said irritated. She pulled her dark blue hairs in a bunch above her head. Beads of sweat dripped down her face.

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