Embrace of Affection

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"George" Lauren acknowledged him with a nod.

Her own expressions are cold and collected. Something passed through his eyes before it went again.

Remorse? Guilt? Longingness? No way she saw something wrong for sure!

"You have been away too long. I almost forgot, how you looked" George said and extended a hand to touch her cheeks in a greeting gesture.

Repulsed Lauren flinched away. He dropped his hand with a hard look in his eyes.

"No wonder you look like a stranger. Maybe I forgot your face" Lauren smiled tightly.

"You didn't come back, not even once" George complained ignoring her comment.

"I did come. I just saw something that made me feel so revolted that I vowed to be away from this city as much as I could be. Too bad I couldn't stay away much longer"

"You came back....? If you didn't come to meet me then...why?"

"To put it in simple words, it's none of your freaking business" Lauren spat.

"It is my damn business!" George shrieked at her.

Many things happened at once, he shoved her to the same round table, they sat on before. A coldness spread out in her fingers and her arms. The near window shattered on the wall and broke with a loud crash.

George panted in front of her. Rage clear on his face. His aqua eyes frozen like a lake.

Lauren shivered and backed into the table further. He caught her movement and his face went blank.

He left her arms immediately, leaving fingertips imprinted on them. She winced and pushed at his chest with all the force. He didn't protest and closed his eyes with a grimace.

"I am sorry Lauren. I didn't mean to..." George opened his eyes and stopped in mid.

Lauren was long gone, he stood alone. He frowned at the window broken near him.

Of Course she went away. What did he expect? He lied to her when he said that he forgot her. How can he forget her? His first real friend?

Lauren blinked back the tears that threatened to drop on her face.

No she will not shed tears for someone who lets himself get mind controlled by Jennifer. His face looked familiar and his voice seemed familiar. But she still felt like she met an unfamiliar person.

She knocked on the door furiously. It opened to reveal Robert.

Well it's not a bad day after all, she thought gawking at the man in front.

He stood there bare chested and in a towel. IN A TOWEL!

Lauren blushed and turned to hide her expressions. Robert chuckled behind her.

"Yeah like you haven't seen me without a shirt before" He said teasing her.

Lauren suddenly felt stupid for turning away. She faced him and got in the house, their shoulders grazing slightly as she entered. She fell down on the couch.
Robert shrugged and went inside his room. She waited patiently for him as he made her a coffee, fully dressed this time. He sat beside her, handing her the cup.
"It's hot. Not that you are any less" Robert said chuckling at his own pun.

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