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Hello everyone! So we are really close to the ending. I have written a poem in this chapter. Sort of. *awkward shrug* I just want to thank each every person who has been reading my story upto this chapter. I am very grateful that you guys gave me a chance .



Fire in the midnight,
It burns out!
Everyday it's me who runs out.
'Cuz fire in the midnight
It burns out!

Is it even real? I think aloud;
'Cuz it's only dirt I find out.
Fire in the midnight,
it burns out!

Castle is burning with it's
Is it even real? I think aloud.
Ashes over here but
no sound?

Fire in the midnight,
It burns out!


"Is this supposed to be a joke?" Lauren asked in a sarcastic voice.

Bill and Jackson shared uneasy glances with each other.

"That's what we found in his room" Jackson replied shrugging. Lauren ignored him and stared at Bill. Hard.

"I can't take these half truths anymore. Just tell me what's going on! You said you will" Lauren shouted frustrated.

Bill winced at her tone and held her shoulders lightly in a comforting manner and pushed her in the seat near them. It didn't help. Her chest heavied up and down from anger.

"Tell me. Please" Lauren said almost begging.

Is that what you wanted me to do Bill? To beg? That's when you are going to tell me? She thought bitterly. Probably the first time for the man who is almost like a father to her.

Or was. Before she ran away.
"Karl Henz said there would be an attack on the city but there has been no attack. A week has gone. But none of the cities reported any fight. We thought with the information Jackson collected and Karl's connection with you, we had an answer. But now, it seems like Karl was lying about the upcoming war. Maybe...maybe there is no new king. Mayne there are no g-"

"No gods?" Lauren asked sharply, cutting Bill in mid. His face looked extremely guilty.

"No that's not what I meant Ofcourse. Samuel is missing clearly, so there's gotta be something. Something is happening alright. I won't deny that. Only thing I am not sure about is you, '' Bill explained.

"Then tell me. I have the right to know. Whatever you thought before. I don't care if you aren't sure. I still wanna know because being in the dark is much much worse" Lauren pleaded again.

"Coming from her. I can understand it must be hard" Jackson commented from behind, taking a bite of the green apple in his hand.

"No more riddles. If I wanted to hear those, I would go and read the tales of nine cities from the city's library" Lauren spat. He gave a low chuckle.

"Okay, you might wanna sit down for this one" Bill said, clearing his throat and taking a seat near her.


Life can turn into a living hell anytime. And that's what Suzy felt right now. Her dark red eyes gazed at Mary's bridge with fascination.

Can she pass this bridge? Or will it break like how it broke when Mary tried to cross it?

She dropped on the ground, with the sudden pain in her heart. She clutched at her clothes. Her black hairs flowing behind in the strong winds. She gazed down at the river with guilty eyes. The reflection of the moon in it, stared back.

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