A Frozen Heart

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Lauren felt uneasy waiting for Bill to finish his meeting. Her foot tapped at the pavement outside.

She kept looking at the door outside his cabin. Staring at the ancient carvings on it. It opened at last. A silvery haired guy came out, paying no attention to her. He moved right past her, muttering unknown words under his breath. She waited for the woman to come out and after a while she did come out, looking a little flustered.

Her hairs matched Lauren's. She sighed and moved past her. Lauren stood up to go inside as well but realised that the Priestess had stopped. She was staring at Lauren now with admiring eyes. A satisfactory smile on her beautiful face. Her hypnotic eyes trailed her body up and down. Lauren felt self conscious but made no move to go inside. It felt like her feets remained stuck where she stood.

"I knew I would find you here" Priestess spoke, stepping closer to her.

"What do you mean?" Lauren asked regarding her questioning gaze.

"Moon God was right. You are alluring and captivating" Priestess continued, ignoring the doubtful gazes Lauren threw her way.

And then she did something that Lauren never expected someone to do in front of her. She dropped on her one knee, bowing her head down. A surrendering gesture known in the Power dimension.

"I hereby surrender my services to you my lady. Whenever you need me, just remember me holding this sapphire stone" She gave it in Lauren's hand.

Lauren held it with startled expression. Why is she surrendering to me?!
She thought confused and shocked.

"Your brother misses you dearly. He is still waiting for your arrival in the first city. I hope you will visit him once. Give him a chance of redemption. I should take my leave now. Your brother awaits" Priestess said, giving her a last mysterious smile.

Lauren stood frozen on her spot. Startled and shocked about what just happened. Cam is waiting for? She thought it was confusing. She stared at Fuchsia Sapphire in her hand. She moved inside the room, aware somehow that this is more than a dream. Something she can't share with anyone. Yet.
Bill gave her a searching look as he told her the outcome of the meeting. She refused to meet his eyes.

"So, they believe us? About the Gods return, I mean"

"I haven't told them about that," Bill replied, sighing.

"Why?" Lauren asked, surprised.

"Priestess would have believed me possibly. She believes anything really. But not Faze"

"Moon God? Who is that?" Lauren asked suddenly. Bill looked at her suspiciously.

"One of the Old Gods before Power Gods existed. Why do you ask?"

"Oh just....nothing. I heard it somewhere" Lauren said, still not meeting his gaze.

"If you say so"

Lauren felt more and more nervous and unsure of herself nowadays.

Why is all of this seems to be connected with her somehow? And even Robert looked at her funny for a few days. Like she is a prized possession. A trophy. Like a child he admired her. It creeped her out. He doesn't seem like the old Robert she knew. The Robert with whom she had trained and on whom she had relied on. But she didn't want to ask him. Not when they finally made their relationship official. Cam had given her a non approving glance but had said nothing. Her friends were happy though. But why is it that she doesn't feel happy like them? She wondered walking to the Nine powers staying place.
Cam and Kristina are getting married soon. After hearing the possibility of war breaking out. They thought it would be best to get married now. And by soon, it meant just a few weeks.

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