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"Where are you going?" Dean asked Karl and Jazen who stood fully dressed and ready for a war with their weapons.

Karl ignored him and looked at the sword in his hand. Checking it's length.

He is even taking his dark sword! Dean thought surprised.
"First city. That's where we are going" Jazen replied to him.

He looked tense today. And kept a hand around the dagger near his waist.

"Why?" Dean was confused and kept staring at Karl until he looked up and sighed.

"To fight" He said, simply shrugging. Dean was left dumbfounded.

"You guys are going to fight the Estherial, the ultimate God? Alone?!"

"Stop behaving like a child! He is not that powerful. We can take him down"

"But why are you even doing this? He was clearly on your side last time" Dean argued.

"And if he is intelligent, he will be on our side again. Either way, I am bringing Charlie back" Karl spat.

"Why?! You wanted Wind God dead anyway"

"By my hands" Karl hissed irritated.

"What of Kevin?" He asked stopping him before he could walk out.

"He doesn't care about Charlie dying. As long as he dies. I bet he did this on purpose, to irritate me. He is mine to kill" Karl blurted out angry.

"Az...Karl, I think your brother is right. We should take some soldiers with us" Jazen said from behind Karl.

"Why are you scared?" Karl snapped. Sand God gritted his teeth tightly.

"Fine! You are going to get both of us killed"


"This is insane! Why didn't you guys tell us that Samuel went missing" Kristina complained worried with dried tears on her face.

Cam patted her shoulders to calm her down. His own face was concerned.

"Yes. Lauren, you should have told us" He said wincing.

"I didn't know about it myself. I thought he was upset..so-" Sbe stopped in mid, catching her words at the right time.

"He was upset, why?" Kristina asked innocently.

Lauren narrowed her eyes but sealed her mouth shut.

"Anyway, has anyone thought about sending guards to look for him?"

"Yes Bill sent them two days ago" Suri assured.

"You know what, I think I should go myself" Cam said suddenly.
Lauren pulled him down on the couch from his sleeves of his shirt.

"Do you even know where he is?" Lauren taunted. He frowned when he found no answer to that.

"But there is gotta be some sort of clue or anything" Kristina argued.

"Yes there is" Lauren passed the note in her pocket to the married couples. They just returned after a week in the human dimension.

"What...what is this?" Cam asked, staring at the poem in confusion.

"Wait! Is this the poem of Theodore kid?" Kristina asked, recognition shining in her green eyes.

"Yes," Lauren answered.

"Why is this poem related to Samuel?" Cam asked, still confused.

"Because we found it in his room," Suri explained patiently.

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