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Dear stone heart Karl,
                                        I am aware that you have been planning different ways to finish me, Charlie and Kevin. While I have been spying for any danger that can harm you in any way. Why would I do that? Well, it's simple really, I love my freedom, more than anything else. So for the old times sake, I have decided to side with you in this chaos. You can kill me if you want but I think it would be a waste. Since, I have founded a way to kill him. Forever. Still want to kill me? I think not. We had lead doomed life Karl, it's time we end it now. This time we will live on our own terms. I hope you will respect my decision and grant me my freedom. From you and Kevin. Forever.

Your Ally,


Karl looked at the rough parchment in his hands with amusement. The handsome white falcon that delivered the letter sat proudly on his left shoulder.

He read it again and chuckled. Stone heart Karl. Old times sake. She really tried to put an effort in this. Kill him forever.

 It sent shivers of joy down his spine reading that part. So, Levin is on his side this time, he had thought wrong. After all, she did say that she is playing a dangerous game this time. And what can be more dangerous than having Karl as his ally and to deceive Luke.

So she has finally found what she has been looking for. A family. Is that the reason she is ready to dive this deep in trouble, he thought dropping back on his bed with a sigh. She does have a point though. Karl has always been stone cold towards Levin. But she can hardly blame him to hate her when she planned his murder behind his back in earlier days. It is difficult to trust anyone for someone like him. And it hurts more deeply than he could imagine. But this time he won't let anyone betray him. Two molted golden eyes flashed in his mind.

He felt a tightening of a fist around his heart. No he won't let anybody betray him. He will have their heads on the spikes before they can make their move, Karl thought, promising himself.

"Is that a love letter brother?"

"Nah I don't think so. Look at the way he crumbled it. Definitely not a love letter"


Suri held her shoulders in a comforting gesture. Her shivering  hands taking turns to pat them each carefully. Above her head, drops of water dropped on her head constantly from the half open tap of her bathroom.

She sighed remembering the meeting before. The Wind God. Even the name of him scared her out of her wits. How can she expect herself to be a protector like that. She has always been a little coward. Even on the field trips she hid behind Samuel. He never complained though.

Samuel truly loved this city. It has always been an honour for him to risk his life. But Suri never felt the same way.

She wasn't even supposed to be a Descendant. She has no power. Only thing she can do is heal others of their pain. But fighting, it has never been a fun part. Sometimes it felt like Jackson and Bill sent her on these field trips on purpose. For her to face her fears. But there is no field trip that can help her overcome the fear of Gods in her mind.

She remembers it as if it happened yesterday. She was dressed in a formal red attire that night, her blonde hairs gleaming in the light of the moon. It had shone in an ominous red colour that day. Her mother had took her to a strange place. She never told her where they were going. They had entered a dark cave. Suri was always afraid of dark but her mother had pushed her away with disgust when she tried to clutch her khaki skirts.

She had felt several unknown hands grope her and lift her up in the sky with strange mutterings. Suri had screamed startled for her mother but she had left with an emotionless expression. The unknown dark figures around her had dropped her on a stone covered with blood. A figure had stepped closer to her and dropped the mask covering its face. It had taken all her power to not scream that day. It was a hideous face. Thinking about it still sent chills down her body. It had three eyes with no pupils and snakes like two forked tongues. It had hissed and licked her face as her body went into a paralysis with fear. Just when the figure could cut her head off with its sword and the hailing mutterings for Wind God around them, Bill saved her. He saved her from being a sacrifice for the Wind God. Hearing his name brought all the memories back to her rushing.


Tom felt extremely uncomfortable sitting on the hard dining chair down in the halls of Dark dimension. He was sent here to lay the trap. He adjusted his robe near his chest. Sweat glistening in his hands.

"Warmer than usual isn't it?" Kevin asked from the end of the table. They were in his personal chamber.

A mocking and mysterious smile covered his face. There is no other way to explain his appearance but to say that he is dead. He assessed Tom with his dead eyes. Tom pushed his shoulders back in confidence.

"Yes it is" He replied stiffly. His eyes occasionally glancing at the dead guards at the end of the halls.

"To what do I owe this pleasure to have you here, Tom"

"Karl sent me here" Tom explained smiling tightly.

"Ahhh call him that" Kevin remarked with a chuckle.

"I am here as the representative of the third city. We hereby surrender to you, king in the Dark dimension" Tom announced.

"Oh but only a Lead Protector can surrender to me dear Tom" Kevin  pointed out with a dismissive shrug.

"I am the Lead Protector. Karl stepped down from his position. He will assist you from now on" Tom replied with a grin. Kevin grinned back with excitement in his dead eyes.

"Well, finally. I was getting bored here honestly"

"SO..he took the bait?" Dean asked when Tom came back. Karl stood near the window with his back towards his brother.

"Yup he did" Tom said chuckling.
"What a stupid king" Dean voiced his thoughts.

"He is anything but stupid" Karl said. Dean and Tom looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Tom asked in a doubt filled tone..

"He knows it's a trap. But he is letting us lay it anyway"

"Why would he do that?" Dean asked, surprised.

"He used to be my comrade once Dean. He believes that I will follow his path sooner or later. But you guys will hold me back right?" Karl said, turning to smile at them. Dean felt nervous by that smile.

"Of Course brother," Tom said in a promise.

Karl walked back to his room silently. He dropped down on his bed, tired and bored. He smirked and closed his eyes. It's time to visit a certain someone in her dream, he thought mischievously.

He felt the link spread through his body, travelling farther away to the Ninth city. He felt a jolt of electricity as it connected with the person he wanted to communicate. He stretched and pulled, his senses on alert as he pulled both of them inside the Mirror Dimension. They were once again sharing a dream. This time in her room. He stared at her astonished and scared face as she saw him sitting on her bed with a flirty grin on his handsome face.

"What the h-" Lauren said but stopped in mid when two of his fingers touched her lips in a university gesture to stay silent.

"I am here to warn you about something and oh because I was bored" Karl answered her unasked question.

"Huh. Why should I believe you?" Lauren asked sitting up in a rush and suspicion.

"Well, because I could have killed you in my city but I didn't," Karls said, shrugging. Lauren scoffed in disbelief.

"Look, I may as well deliver the message and go. Your dreams are not safe anymore" Karl continued with narrowed eyes trailed behind her on the wall.

"What do you mean it's not safe?" Lauren asked in confusion. He pulled her in towards his chest in a hug.
Lauren gasped and prepared to hit him at the spot. He whispered in her ear.

"Don't move. There is someone else here. I don't know who but he or she is near. After two weeks there is going to be an attack on one of these three cities- Fifth, First or Ninth. Gather your forces. Remember. After two weeks" Karls said and pulled back to look at her.

Lauren met his gaze in a mesmerised way. Drowning in his purple eyes. He smirked and closed the distance between their faces. Their lips almost touched  before he changed his mind and kissed her forehead. And just like that they pulled out of the dream, vanishing into the deep sleep.

Descendants of Power GodsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant