Dark Dimension

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"Are you sure this is it bro?"


"Uh okay" *shrug*


"Nah, I was just expecting some creepy door sign that reads 'do not enter, death's lair' or something"

"It used to be there when I was in charge"

"Tell me you are kidding"


"Whew. That's.....that's...."

"Lame? I know. Back then it seemed funny"

"Yeah right" *another shrug*

"Levin stop that turtle walk please"

"Remind me again, what is she doing here?"

"She is very much like me. Same temper. Same attitude. You don't want to get her on her nerves really" Karl said patting Dean's shoulder.

Levin still continued her turtle walk, shivering.

"You think that will keep me from asking what is she doing here?" Dean asked with an indifference. Karl chuckled.

"I was hoping that. She has some business here that needs me to be with her"

"Oh so we are here because we have to solve her business. Not because you finally decided to do something. And here I thought you were back in action brother" Dean commented scoffing.

"Dean...Dean...be patient. Remember we are here as diplomats today. No ass kicking for fun" Karl reminded him with a grin.

"Not even one?" Dean asked hopefully.

"No they aren't exactly going to consider us as diplomats if you do that" Karl replied standing in the final doorway that led inside the dark dimension.

"Well, here is the creepy door. Joy"

The door covered in dead language didn't even budge as Dean pushed on it with his whole strength. Behind him Levin scoffed nervously.

"We don't have time Karl. Plus baby bones here can't open it" Jennifer said as she steered closer to them.

Dean gave her a venomous look. She raised her eyebrows in challenge.

"Temper like mine....remember?" Karl whispered in his ear as Dean's hand wrapped around his knife.

"Sure. Let me do my hocuspocus brother. Step aside" Karl said waving his arms in an amusing manner.

He neared the door and whispered like a dead being. Dean stared at him curiously. Beside him Levin impatiently shuffled from one foot to another. Door screeched a little before it opened and sucked the three inside.

Dean felt a joint ache as he got back on his knees. In front Levin and Karl stood comfortably on their feets. Karl's chest was puffed out in a smug way. He inhaled deeply and grinned at Levin who returned him a genuine smile.

"Home sweet home"

Dean looked around and almost fell on his knees again. They were standing on a bridge like thing that connected to a rocky path ahead. A sweat slipped from his forehead down to his neck as he looked down. They were hundred feets above a lava river. His jacket suddenly became too heavy for him to bear. He took it off with a grimace and wrapped it around his waist. His grey t-shirt clings to him like a second skin.
He heard a whistle and looked up shocked. Levin checked him out and grinned, her eyes lingering on his shoulders.

"Oooh take off that shirt" She said giggling and earned an even more shocked and blushing face from Dean.

Giggling she strolled away, crossing the bridge. Behind her Karl mouthed to him, 'she is a huge flirt' and winked. Dean rolled his eyes and followed them into the rocky path ahead.

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