'Purple is the new black'

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Kristina and Lauren sat in the seats of Cam's Toyota, waving at him through Kristina's half closed window.

He was getting paranoid for no reason, they had to forcefully stuff food in his mouth when he tried to give them hundred advice to not to run into an evil power.
It was ridiculous as evil powers are particularly extinct in the power dimension now. Dark dimension is the whole other thing but there is definitely no way they could cross dimensions like them. It hasn't occurred in a long time anyway.

Lauren has heard about City of Ruins before. After all, it was one of the places where history was created when two powerful Gods stood against each other.

It is said that magic still swirls in the ruins as the impact was unimaginable. She was surprised but curious when Kristina declared that they should go there.

Lauren was relieved when Kristina said that she believed it was not a dream and she was sure that they would get their answers in the Third city. Lauren inhaled the scent inside the Car that suspiciously smelled like Kristina's perfume. Cam believed that they were visiting Kristina's cousin, John in the city.

"So you never told me about your cousin before" Lauren asked her best friend who was bouncing up and down on her seat with the rhythm of the song.

"Oh John? I have told you about him before, you just don't remember" She said smirking and honking at the car that drove ahead of them in an awfully slow manner.

Lauren shook her head irritated. She always does that. Whenever someone tells her that she has forgotten to mention something, she makes it look like that the other person forgot that 'she did mention it!'.

"Whatever. What does he do there? Is he one of the Three powers?" Lauren asked while checking out the piles of cd's on the dashboard.

"No he is not a power. Don't mention it in front of him, he gets a bit upset. He is a Baker in the local market of the city. You should try his pastry when we get there" Kristina said smiling.
After an hour or so, the car screeched on the empty road and Lauren jerked awake. With wide sleepy eyes, she looked at Kristina questioning.

"We are here already? I thought it was further"

"I thought that too," Kristina said with narrowed eyes.

Lauren nodded at her and gulped, scared about the next part.

"So we gotta cross the border now?"

Kristina nodded, knowing all too well what she was indicating at. That's what best friends are for. Give them a look and they will know what is going inside your little head which is otherwise gone unnoticed by the people around you.

Close or not, people just can't possibly read your thoughts or analyse your expressions as fast as your best friend does. In short, Kristina knows that she is scared of heights and the next stunt they are about to pull off has "HEIGHTS" written on it.

And Let's be honest, being sucked inside a dimension is crazy as hell. There is a reason why it's supposed to be crazy though. Apparently, you can't cross borders of a city more than 10 times unless you belong to that city.

When the war happened between the two powerful allies and armies of the two powerful Power Gods, there were simply no borders.

Anybody could cross the borders between the cities at that time besides the evil powers. But after the war, trust was lost and a void was left there that was better left alone to heal with time. Even after the centuries, the void still existed and so did the new borders set up. And the City of ruins aka Third city was much better in trusting others as unlike the other cities; who have decided to close their borders off for everyone completely (which is against the rules created by the Powers Gods after the war. But they are dead so no one cares anymore).

Descendants of Power GodsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz