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  • इन्हें समर्पित: BabitaVats

It was more than a few hours, since he had seen Lauren walk out of their house. She looked disturbed as she usually did nowadays. But she usually comes back before their favourite program telecasts at 7 pm daily. Cam frowned, staring at the sky with a tensed gaze. What an unusual weather, he thought as another lightning flashed in the sky.

The knock on the door woke him out of his trance. The lightning has reminded him of a particular someone.

He opened the door to find his little sister standing totally soaked on their porch. He cackled looking at her and stopped when she didn't join him like she usually did when he laughed. Lauren enjoyed his laughter like no one else. He searched her face closely which was pale white as a sheet. Startled, he pulled her in his arms in a brotherly hug.
Automatically, her arms wrapped around him. And then Lauren broke through her trance, letting everything out of her system. Cam struggled to understand the story she told in incoherent words.

Dream. Boy. She repeated again and again.

" are stressed'' Cam exclaimed after hearing her dreams.

According to her, she experienced two dreams, back to back and woke up unharmed on the beach with rain pounding down on her. But she was not ready to believe that the dreams were not true.
Lauren kept repeating it in her strained voice. Cam hated to argue with her but he assured her with a firmness that it was only a dream she experienced and was glad that she had refrained from using her abilities in front of the humans. It would have been a spectacle if a girl like her was seen flaming fire out of her bare hands. At last he was successful in calming her down and tucked his sister in the bed himself. It was no easy time for both of them. He understood her pain. They still haven't found the culprit who burned their old house. He sighed remembering the night. They both had gone out to watch a movie and came back to find their house burned. it disturbed both of them a lot.
Lauren woke without having a nightmare in years. Because she already got two of them yesterday, she thought and chuckled darkly.

She got up and came out in the kitchen where Cam was already eating his breakfast. He looked adorable with his mouth full with a sandwich stuffed with veggies. She felt her mouth water at the sight. His muscles contracted as he picked up a packet of cheetos from above the counter.

Lauren felt embarrassed by her behaviour on the last day. She was a complete mess by the time he had tucked her in the bed. When she came in, he smiled regardless of the headaching situation she had put him in last night. Cam is also red haired like her.

But there was a sharpness in his features unlike hers. His brown eyes lit up with his smile,
"How are you?" He asked.

"Do I have to answer that?" Lauren said sitting next to him.

"I guess not," He said sighing.

"You do believe me right? There was something wrong on that beach yesterday"

"I want to Lauren but......sis you have been under a lot of stress these days. Besides no one can use their abilities in human dimension"

"What if it is possible somehow? What if they have found a way? What if-"

"Let's talk about that later," Cam said, interrupting her.

"Okay" She whispered in a small voice, knowing well that he was not going to believe it, until he saw it.

"Well Lauren I have to tell you something that you won't like," He said without holding back and frowned. One of the things about Cam, he hates buttering.

"What something?" She asked in confusion.

"Well there is a party after one week at the Hall of gods. Bill has organized it for our welcome and our increased powers. (When she opened her mouth to argue Cam raised a hand) I know you don't go to parties and I explained it to Bill but he has already invited every single person he can.You have to come, Lauren" he said and shrugged.

Yeah like she can do anything. After all he is Bill. Bill is their caretaker but he is the most powerful caretaker than anyone else you might have met. He has a cheerful personality and sometimes irritating beyond imagination. He loved throwing parties. He was happy as they have finally decided to leave this dimension and get back to their real "Home".

It wasn't really a home for her though. She had begged Cam to live in human dimension for a short while till they had to get back to rule the city as its rightful owner.

"Ok! Fine I'll be there. And sorry about last night" She agreed. He looked at her and nodded.

It wasn't that Ninth city wasn't beautiful but the horrors in that city are too hard for her to handle. And now she has to go there, permanently this time. No excuses. She was already in shock from last evening's events and now she has to face her horrors from which she has been trying so hard to run.

Her best friend's face appeared in her mind. George........when was the last time they talked? 13 years ago?

Same best friend who is now a mere puppet of his girlfriend. She winced at the thought. But she will get to see her other friends now. That brought a smile on her sad face. Samuel. Kristina. Suri. A part in her longed to call them now, to tell them about her dream that seemed so real but she restrained herself.

The time has come, she thought. The time to accept her fate like her parents and their parents before them.

A huge responsibility is on her shoulder to follow their steps. Since the beginning of the new dawn after the Great war of gods, it was decided that nine cities will maintain the peace and would be ruled by their descendants. It's time for them now, to follow their doomed destiny.

Descendants of Power Godsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें