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Karl walked around his room restless. It has been a week since he and Dean visited the Dark dimension.  The priest has warned them to not be desperate for the fight. Promising that it's all about the right time. Karl believed in him but Dean still remained skeptical. He can't blame his brother. Ever since that day when Karl was possessed as a child, he talked about ruling the dark dimension. Dean and Tom hated him for a while but soon they realised that even if possessed, Karl was still their brother after all. So as they accepted Karl, they accepted his dream as well. And they lived for his dream as much as him. It was only natural for Dean to be upset about the current situation.

He is no longer possessed though. It's as if the spirit that possessed him became the part of his body a long time ago. Now their memories are one and so are their thoughts and feelings. When Karl was made a lead protector, it was as if he reincarnated. With a better control of himself. He felt complete after hundreds of years.

He remembered the first time, he took control over this body. Karl Henz stood near the balcony that overlooked the streets of the third city. The same balcony, he had stood as a mere four year old boy.

He reckoned that day, not because he possessed a body but because he had done something terrible that day. He had killed his own parents. He remembered the touch of his mother's hand caressing his hairs. His father's laugh as he sang for his wife and son in ecstasy. Then the feeling of an evil energy rushing inside his little body.

At first it felt like he would simply die from the force and the level of energy inside him. While his parents screamed for help, holding him in their arms.

Then he felt the thing inside taking control over him, his hairs turned purple from their auburn colour. His eyes shined purple as well that used to be greenish with strokes of yellow in them. His mother shrieked and dropped him on the floor, upsetting Karl.

He has felt his arm raise without his permission as they threw a ball of energy towards his mother and then towards his father. They both ended up pushed from the balcony in the air. And fell down in the streets below. Karl's mother was a fighter. His dad died on the spot but she remained alive, to talk to her sons, one last time. What she said to Tom and Dean that stopped them from hating Karl forever is a mystery. He was crying in anger and grief, scared to talk with anyone. To be near someone.

When Dean came in and hugged him hard. Crying and crying. Tom had patted his hairs a little gently as his tears dropped on Karl's shoulder constantly. From that onwards, the spirit controlled his body slowly and slowly. To a point, that their mind emerged completely. And they became one, the spirit and Karl.

"Uhm" Tom cleared his throat. Karl turned to find him standing on the threshold of his room.

"Come in" Karl announced. Tom entered inside with hesitation.

"You looked in deep thoughts. I knocked twice" Tom asked curiously.

"Was walking down some old lanes. Any news?" Karl asked.

"Yes. Not a pleasant one though. Charlie attacked a power guard in Ninth city" Tom replied bitterly.

"Ahhh...he is afraid to be locked up again. I knew he would betray me sooner or later. So now there are two Power Gods on Kevin's side. The Wind God and beloved Levin" Karl said thoughtfully.

"We have to make our move now. What's going to be? Desperation or Attack?" Tom asked in a hyped up voice. Karl felt excited as well as he answered him.

"Neither. We are going to set a trap brother. We will bow down and when the right time comes, we will rise again, only to break the knees of our enemies"

Tom smirked in approval. Karl looked above in the night sky. Tom joined him near the railing.

"We will have what you desire brother" Tom whispered with an assuring smile.

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