A Vow

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Father you summoned us?" Jackson asked.

Beside him Robert looked at Bill curiously. Bill nodded at them. They entered his cabin and took the seats in front. Jackson shared a look with him. Clueless as him and confused as his golden eyes showed.

"The Sand City. It has fallen" Bill started with a grave voice. Shivers of shock went down Robert's body. The mighty Sand City?!

"Either Karl tricked us or there is really going to be an attack on us after five days"

"No worries. We can hold them off father. And we will fight when need be. We have a strong force. Power Guards are ready and Descendants as well" Jackson offered confidently. Bill nodded at him, still grim.

"But...? What about Sandra and Jaqen? Are they dead?" Robert asked, confused. A hateful looked crossed on Bill's face.

"No they are alive. Sandra is the lone survivor. The rest died or turned. Jaqen is.......no where. He has simply vanished. Sandra as well I am afraid"

"But then what was the point of not killing Sandra? She can still have the city" Robert nodded at his brother in agreement.

"New king, Kevin wanted to show his strength but he sent the wrong guy to attack on the Sand City. Wind God is debted to Jazen. The Sand God"

"But Jazen isn't......wait are you saying what I think you are saying?" Robert asked shocked and excited.

"Yes, Rob. Jazen has been reincarnated in the body of Jaqen, Lead protector of Sand City"

"Amazing. Does that mean?" Jackson said, sharing a knowing look with Bill.

"Yes, but it depends whether the body is strong enough to hold a God or a Goddess"

"Should we tell Descendants of our city about this?"

"No not now. We should be careful. I am not that sure of this theory" Bill warned.

"Whewww, our city is certainly blessed this time" Jackson said chuckling..


"This is the ingredient you asked for. The last one. Now, can you continue the spell? We don't have much time left?" Karl reminded the priest who was sitting near a fire with various ingredients around him.

One of them, a single hair of Lauren Pevensie. Priest nodded at him patiently.

He took the hair and dropped it inside the fire. Next went the oil and blood. And some other things that Karl avoided to look at.

Priest opened his mouth wide and began muttering strange words to no one in particular. Karl looked into the flames and saw that hair shined inside. He felt uneasy doing this but this is the only way he can know. Who are you really, Lauren?

"It is her" Priest declared standing up with a smile on his face. Karl felt his body getting stiff. So, I have to kill her now. He thought gravely. But she seems different this time.

"But you shall not kill her" Priest warned him carefully. Karl raised a questioning brow at him.

"She doesn't remember anything Karl. It would be unfair to kill the girl. Plus, Kevin needs her for his plans remember"

"I shall not kill her. But if she remembers, no one can stop me from fulfilling my vow" Karl warned back and moved out of the room, a little relaxed.

Dean and Tom sat in his room with grave faces. He noticed the grey falcon on Dean's shoulder. A letter in Tom's hand. And he knew the news was not what they were expecting.

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