1|♡|Abandoned Library

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Abandoned Library (Yeonji)

Walking along the dark alley, the streetlights were blinking on and off everytime she'd try to find out where she was, but the girl kept on walking mindlessly.

She was tired, frustrated, and sick of everything. She never knew why she held it in for how many years. But this time, she gave up.

She doesn't know where she was. All that she could remember was running off for fresh air after quarrelling with her parents. And now look what she's gotten herself into.

Walking in the middle of the street, alone, cold, scared and with nothing in hand, not even her phone.

She knew she had to find a place to spend the night. But how would she know? She doesn't even know where she was. How much more will she know if a place was safe?

A lot more minutes of walking and she still had no idea where she was. But she happened to pass by an abandoned building.

She tested her luck and tried going inside. She didn't care less of what paranormal beings were in there. She just wanted to find a place to sleep.

She thanked the heavens when the door wasn't locked. She tried her luck once again and looked for some kind of fuse to at least have some light. And fortunately she found one.

It didn't seem haunted when she finally had a good look of what's inside. She tried finding something she could use to warm herself up. But to her dismay, she didn't. She may have pushed her luck too much.

She walked around. Her feet leading her to the tables on the farthest corner of the structure. She took a seat, and stared at utterly nothing. Probably from exhaustion, she drifted to sleep.

She woke up to the feeling of someone staring. And the moment her eyes snapped open, she realized that a blanket was wrapped around her.

She looked around and caught sight of an unfamiliar figure which stood firmly behind the shadows of the bookshelves. Now she was determined to run.

She was undeniably scared. What if that is some psychopath that would want to do something to her? She thought of all possible things that could happen and was ready to fight or run.

But before she could, the figure walked into the light which made her look at him more clearly. She fearlessly stared at the male, looking deeply into those pair of brown eyes.

Something inside her told her to run. But she didn't. She was glued to her place, still staring at the man in front of her.

She was incontrollably shaking, her subconscious wanted her to run, but her body wouldn't follow. It had its own mind and it doesn't want her to run away. It made her feel like she doesn't even have one.

"I see that you already woke up." the boy said, slowly walking towards her.

She was speechless. Nothing came out of her mouth. But she still stared at the boy in front of her. His eyes screamed death but she didn't run.

"How could a pretty and innocent girl like you have the guts to sleep in this abandoned library?" he asked expressionless.

She still didn't say a word. But this time, not because she was speechless, simply because she was terrified of what might happen if she answered.

"Talk." he coldly said. "Talk so I would know if you're a ghost or not." he unexpectedly smiled which made the girl furrow her eyebrows.

"Thanks." was the only words she could let out. She was obviously embarrassed based on how her cheeks flushed red.

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