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Attachment (Taeryeong)

6th grade. Sixth grade has got to be the best moment of his life. He was thankful for that day, when a certain girl with long brown hair was greeted by his bulbous doe eyes on the hallway. She was a transferee, but he knew that he had to make a move.

Disappointingly, at the time, he was the class bully. He'd tease all her friends and do multiple pranks on them, making her furious, but she never seemed to question why she was always spared from his jokes.

On the other hand, she was a man hater. She couldn't get over the fact that her dad left them for some reason she still didn't know. She loathed guys that would let go too easily. She loathed guys that would hurt an innocent heart that did nothing but to love. She loathed him.

He would annoy her every now and then, giving her spontaneous compliments, trying to win her heart. And as time grew by, he was persistent, he was determined to make her fall, and after multiple attempts, he finally caught her.

She hated the feeling, the feeling of staying up all night when he'd make her heart race, the feeling of heated cheeks whenever he'd say sweet words to her. But no matter how much she disliked it, she couldn't help but think, 'Maybe he's not as bad as I thought.'

She gave it a chance. They were young and naive, but something about this made her feel confident about her decision. And she was both wrong and right.

A year later, they're already in highschool, still not in a relationship. Yes, she gave it a chance, but it doesn't mean they're of any label. It was only as far as a mutual understanding.

When their first and second year of highschool arrived, things changed. They would only talk through messages, not personally. He wasn't expressive, and so was she, so they kept everything a secret and ignored each other at times.

Third year came and they were still as strong as ever. They would still put up the act, but their small glances and tiny smiles to each other were too obvious.

They'd quarrel over the tiniest things cause he was easily jealous. Though a lot of downs were faced, they still enjoyed the ups of their unlabeled relationship.

Until their last highschool year came. Summer was the worst for her, she never expected him to give up, to hurt her like this. But just like that he let go.

As if with a snap of a finger, she woke up and he wasn't holding her hand anymore, he wasn't by her side, he didn't... chose her. But she was also at fault, she didn't give him the time and attention he deserved.

She wrote poems, multiple poems, saying sorry, saying I love you, pleading to please come back because I need you. She couldn't bare the pain she was feeling, but she still chose to fight for him.

She didn't give up, just like what she normally does, and her efforts paid off. He got back to his senses and came back.

People would say it was getting toxic. But if they'd get to be with each other until the end, they'd choose it, even if it meant getting hurt a hundred times worse.

Soon, he had doubts about what they had. He was thinking if five years of waiting for her was worth it. He wanted to stop because he was tired. But he didn't, he couldn't.

Destiny Tore Us Apart (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now