|☆|DCTF : The Truth Behind The Facade|☆|

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We meet again dear readers.

Congratulations, for you have come this far. Its now the final chapter, have you decided your final pick? It's bad to do, but point your fingers, cause you'll never know, you might be right. But as I always say, the truth will be concealed, only for the last time.

No one died previously, isn't that such a relief? Even better, the killer is caught. But think twice, was Ryujin right with her words? Was it really the killer they caught or is the killer still loving the feeling of freedom?

Dear readers, buckle up because things are about to go down. I'll expose the whole truth as I welcome you one last time to...

Death's Checkmate to Fate:
The Truth Behind The Facade

'Things aren't always what they seem. Unexpected twists and sudden change of plans. One moment you feel fine then another moment you'd go wild.'


Its still not done dear readers,
But this surely will be the last,
It's your last chance,
So better think fast.
Who really is the culprit?
That we'll find out soon.
Get your heads on focus,
Or else they'll meet their doom.


11 years ago...

Her face was filled with tears as she tried covering her ears to prevent herself from hearing the chaos downstairs. She heard vases being thrown and broken, brittle glass breaking and loud screaming from her parents.

"There'll be no chances anymore! I've had it with you! I keep forgiving you and accepting your apologies but you'll just make the same mistake again! Just leave this house and move to your mistress! I don't care! Just get yourself out of my face!"

She could hear furniture being thrown.

"Fine! I'll go! But I'm taking our daughter with me!"

She came to her senses. She locked the door and hid under her bed. If there was one thing she wanted, it was to stay with her mother.

She heard footsteps heading upstairs, she started quivering in fear and was still crying non stop.

"No! You will not take our daughter! She will stay with me! You have no right to take her away from me because you abuse her every day! Why should I-"

"You don't have a job and sufficient money! You can't raise her by yourself! So I'm taking her!"

"And what? Let you hurt and torture her all her life? I won't let you do that!"

She could hear a lot of screaming and cursing but she chose to stay quiet. She continued hiding and crying.

The moment she heard a loud thud from outside her room, she felt scared. She had the courage to open the door, holding her baseball bat for self defense. But she saw nobody outside... That was until she saw her mother's bleeding body at the end of the staircase.

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