4|♡|Under the Mistletoe

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Under the Mistletoe (Yunkai)

"News just in! Yet another serial killing massacre took place in the city of Incheon. The Korean government has been facing multiple backlash for not taking action on figuring out who the serial killer might be. People suspect that there is only one criminal behind this all. After going after Busan, Daegu and Daejeon, some predict that the killer might target the city of—"

The blonde turned the television off, thinking it was mediocre. Halloween was coming up and for all she knew, this was a Halloween prank or something. She was sure of it. She moved to Seoul a few days ago from Incheon, and she never heard of that massacre at all.

Halloween was in a few hours and she was home alone. She knew that kids would knock on her door and annoy her with their average leveled costumes and buckets of candy.

She already planned everything out, she would do nothing but Netflix and Chill tonight, she won't answer any knocks or doorbells, just watch. She doesn't even have any candies to give, so why bother?

And just as she was about to go to her room to get pillows and blankets, she heard the doorbell ring.

This made her pissed. Wasn't it too early for trick or treat? Whose kid was this annoying to start Halloween too soon?

She stomped her feet while going near the door, but she was stunned to see a boy, probably her age, when she looked through the peephole. Her brows furrowed even more by the sight of him. He was even holding a bag of goodies.

She opened the door and met with his happy eyes, but she was unbothered and said, "Isn't it a little too early for trick or treating? You're even too old for it for crying out loud. Wel anyways, just get lost, I don't even have treats to give away."

She gestured him to move away so she could close the door but he spoke instead, "I'm not here to trick or treat, I honestly think it's stupid. I'm here to welcome you in this neighborhood. I saw you moving in a few days ago, so I thought of giving you some kind of welcoming bundle." he then handed over the bucket of goodies he had, so she took it.

She didn't want to look rude, even though she already was, so she let him in. She told him to feel at home while she grabbed a glass of water for him.

"Thanks for the gift, I guess." she said while giving him a glass of water. "You shouldn't have bothered, I have lots of food here. The snacks you gave me are a lot."

He smiled, "It's nothing. I'm Huening Kai by the way, you can call me Kai. You're pretty." offering his hand to her.

She was taken aback by how straight forward he was. But she came back to her senses and shook his hand. "Yuna. Shin Yuna. Pleasure to meet you." she introduced with a smile.

"Since you're new here, I wanted to offer you a tour around the neighborhood. I could introduce you to all my friends too." he kindly said.

At first she thought he was very annoying but she was wrong, he was actually very nice and friendly, which made her impression of him change.

"Uhhmmm, I was actually planning to binge watch today... But if you want, you're welcome to join me! We'll just do the tour on another day." she invited.

Thus an amazing friendship bloomed. They knew more about each other and see each other often. Kai would stay over at Yuna's whenever he was home alone. They were great friends and it was not far from taking it to another level.

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