|☆|DCTF : Explanation|☆|

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Disclaimer: I'm not good with explanations


Okay, let's start with the fake clues.

•The one found in the blue box:

Nanminee ist thwoe
Odenin eten
~Solve the case, save a life~

The emphasized letters are the number lock; one, nine, two, one, nine, ten(1921910). While the remaining letters in the note will form a hidden message which is "My name is the code." What most of you failed to decode is the name formed by the numbers. If the code is(1921910) this meant that it is associated with letters and will form a name.

19- S
21- U
9- I
10- J

The name JISU.

This is a fake clue planted by the killer.

• Frame up clue #1

With the count of three,
You all are free,
Think carefully,
To escape the misery,
Remember these numbers,
Before it flees.

Arrange the numbers by their corresponding letters in the alphabet and you'll get this...

9- I
8- H
15- O
3- C


• Frame up clue #2

Don't be fooled
by angelic faces,
The light of the group
could have deadly graces.
Define them with the word anti,
Patience could have an expiration date,
Better watch out...
Cause their motherly system
Could be full of hate.

This clue was already explained in the story so yeah....

• Frame up clue #3

(-••)(• •)(-•)(-)
(•-•)(• •)(• •)(—)
(•• ••)(• •)(••-)

I'll just leave this here.


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Here are the actual clues or signs that points to Ryujin as the killer:

• The statement she said to the police

She was too defensive.

No further explanation needed.

• The killer is sporty

A lot of you pointed this out, I thought no one would take it as a clue since it is a tiny detail, BUT PEOPLE ACTUALLY DID.

Ryujin is sporty. She is the strongest member and is very athletic.

• Errands and the Frame up

Now first of all, I just wanna say, WHY DIDNT Y'ALL LISTEN TO ME? I hinted that it was a frame up. sIgH.

Chae already said it was a frame up. Fate said it was a frame up. I said it was a frame up. It already disregarded the first clue (which blamed Lia) which meant it was somebody else.

Ryujin said she had errands to run. Someone suspected this (can't remember who cuz my brain is flying rn but congrats to whoever it is) and y'all should've took it as a clue too sIgH.

(I feel like I'm being repetitive, am I?

Kids, sleep early. Don't be like me. These are the side effects of lack of sleep.)

• Fake phone call

This was something I failed to mention in the finale, but yeah the first phone call that informed Ryujin about Tae and Chae's death is part of her hallucinations.

So yeah, both phone calls were somewhere around 10 pm, and in both scenes, the one receiving the call is asleep and just woke up from the call.

This is something people would not suspect since I did make it seem like the call was received by two different people.

(I feel so dumb rn I don't even know why I'm writing this now.)

• Suddenly all innocent

This isn't really a sign/clue (I dunno what to call it) that you could find written in the story, but it's on how I suddenly made Ryujin all innocent.

(So how the hell do I explain this)

I made it look like Ryujin was innocent and that she was a victim and that she was to be trusted. And y'all didn't suspect me for doing that? I TOLD U NOT TO TRUST ME (that just straight up opposed the frame up clue lol. I'll just laugh at myself) but still tho, I'm not the type to suddenly make people look so innocent.

• Her unusual behavior

She wouldn't let them see the letter. She suddenly had trust issues (which is not bad guys, but it is suspicious in this story). She was suddenly acting all sensitive and conscious. She can't trust her own boyfriend (which again is not bad(especially when u have trust issues) but is suspicious in this story)

She started acting all bossy when they were putting the clues together. She got mad at the others for being 'too slow' as if she was rushing things.

• Wasn't she too smart?

Did y'all really not suspect how Ryujin solved the second clue too fast? Sureee she is smart, but guys, in a matter of seconds, with just reading the note once, she suddenly had someone in mind and knew the main points of the code. Doesn't it look like she made the clue herself and just waited for the right time to tell them what it meant? (Lol or am I just dumb to think that the clue was kinda hard)

I. Made. Ryujin. An. Obvious. Culprit. But. You. Guys. (some of you) Thought. It. Was. Someone. Else.


Note from me: Even the tiniest details matter. Suspecting every little thing has its advantages.


I won't be doing a plot explanation anymore... Cuz I kinda already did with all the backstories.

So I'll just let u leave ur questions here or u can ask me to clarify things:


If y'all didn't understand anything or something. Well, I didn't too lol jk.

I wrote this at night and I had no idea what I was doing, it felt like my brain cells were all gone. I'm not really good at explaining.

My head feels so empty. Donate braincells please. I should've slept early gosh🤦‍♀️

I'm finally done YEEEYYY gosh that was a long special. Woah. We are finally going back to normal.

I'll update as much as I can guys (by that I mean once a week) cause I'm lazy HAHAHA but if I happen to be in the mood to write then of course I'll give u more updates.

Guys, again, thank you very very much fr participating in this txtzy special. I really appreciate all your reactions and theories and questions.

Till the next updateee!!

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