12|♤|Augury and the Harbinger

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Augury and the Harbinger

"Honey, listen to me, what you have is special. It's one of a kind to inhibit such abilities. So keep strong and don't go overboard. I know that you are a very smart and disciplined girl, so handle your gift responsibly. Arasseo?"

"I'm sorry for making things this hard honey, especially now, with your situation. But always stand still with your chin up high, okay? Mommy will always be here."

"If you feel like giving up with your potential, you can always tell me, I'll try my best to get rid of it, okay?"

"Sometimes I ask myself why you? Of all the people that's close to my heart why you? I never wanted to see you suffer like this. I'm sorry."

"I want to get it out of you. I really do. But I don't know how."

"I'm sorry honey, for leaving. It's the only way I can think of. And maybe... maybe if I do this, you'll finally live peacefully. Forgive me."

Memories flashed her mind as she saw her mom's lifeless body hanging from the ceiling. With blood dripping from her head, which trailed all the way to her feet, landing onto the now stained tiled floor.

It happened too fast. A lot faster than she thought. It felt like about a minute ago when she was about to faint from yet another vision. A vision of her mom holding a hammer on one hand, and the other holding onto the rope tied upon the ceiling.

She dashed back home only to witness a terrifying sight. Making her kneel down in front of her mom's corpse, her hands hiding her face which was now full of tears.

She couldn't believe herself, she had the chance to save her mother's life, but then again, she blew it.

If this was her mother's way to 'save' her from her power, she would rather choose a life pure of sufferings than this.

She was blessed with a spectacular gift, given to her since birth. The capability to predict or envision one's death. The capability to see how one person ends, dies and suffers.

But she never considered it as a gift, she always thought of it as some kind of curse, a burden.

Her mother would always oppose, trying to keep things positive and telling her it was alright, that it was somehow, good.

But she knew better, she knew how her mom would stay up late and cry for hours as she knew she was the reason for all this. Her mom knew what kind of mess she got herself into when she was immature and reckless. Making her own daughter suffer from a Harbinger's curse.

What made her life even harder was she was now an orphan. This wasn't the first death she witnessed. She saw how her dad died too. And as an eight year old girl, it was too brutal for her to look at her father accidentally falling from a building onto multiple iron spikes.

Her sister was another one. She couldn't help but cry as she stared at her sister drowning from a distance.

Her life started falling apart. Not being able to help three of the most important people to her made her life and powers a lot more worthless. She continued living her horrible life alone and in agony.


Time passed and she had a job, raising money for herself. Through years of hard work, she could say that she's an independent girl now.

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