18|♧|Long Way Home

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Long Way Home (Beomryu)

"Maybe it's better off if we just forget that this shit ever happened."

"Yeah. We should."

But both of them knew that they couldn't. And fate played it's part well.


She was staring outside the window, looking at the voluminous and insubtantially pink clouds, realizing the thousand-feet distance she had with the ground, seeing the whole country being displayed upon a tiny little window by her plane seat.

She heaved out a sigh of frustration. This has been the third country she had moved from. She just couldn't understand why they had to chase her everywhere.

She hated that life. Being a billionaire's only child sounded great and luxurious, and it definitely is. But when your family only got their fame and riches from notorious deeds and the whole country knows about it, then that isn't entirely the case. They had a business that the law approved but citizens despise.

Ryujin grew up with a silver spoon. She never had a taste of hardship and poverty. But she was far from being a spoiled brat. Living with busy parents made it seem like she had none at all, thus why she was raised purely by her nanny.

She never had any good bonding moments with her parents, but her nanny treated her like her very own. She became a kind and mature young lady that appreciated even the smallest things in life. She knew when to forgive, ignore and fight back. She's helpful and compassionate to others. In other words, she's the exact opposite of her parents.

But unfortunately, most people thought of it as a show.

"Stop the act Shin. We don't believe you. You're just like your parents and you don't deserve to be here."

"We all know you're faking it bitch. So just cut it already. We're not falling for any of you or your petty family's tricks."

"Just get the fuck out Shin. You're not going to deceive us by playing nice. You don't belong here."

"I suggest you just drop out of here and leave us alone. Besides, your family is rich right? They'll find you a new school for criminals."

She couldn't take it anymore, but she didn't fight back either. She knew better and she chose to be the mature one in this situation.

But even the most patient person has his or her limits. Soon, there came a time when they pulled the last straw.

She was peacefully reading a book in the farthest corner of the library, she doesn't want to be disturbed so she tends to sit at the most unnoticeable spot. But of course, they just wouldn't let her be.

She felt her hair being pulled which caused her to get dragged from her seat. The book she was holding on to was now in another person's possession, tearing every single page of Ryujin's favorite book while the girl's friends were holding her back, making sure that she wasn't going to fight back. They left her with bruises and cuts, spilling water on her head before leaving. And no one dared to help her, even the school officials.

"For goodness' sake Shin, I thought you were rich? You can ask your shitty parents to buy you the exact same thing."

"Tsh. You're nothing but a bratty criminal. Just like your parents."

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