15|♤|Paper planes

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Paper planes (Soolia)

He stood there on the rooftop of his apartment building, admiring the night sky of his final day in this cruel Earth. Everything was too much for him to handle. With the death of his sister. And the feeling of loneliness. The darkness devoured his heart, the same heart that decided to make November 22 his final day.

He took a sip from his glass of wine, waiting for the moment. He screamed at the blue sky.

"If you still want me here, show me a sign. Show me a sign to stay"

He waited.

But there was nothing but tears that appeared.

He was now dead set. He looked down seeing the pedestrians, "Everyone has their own worlds" he whispered...

"Guess mine ends here"

He looked around the buildings one final time.

This time he sees a girl in a rooftop as well.

With her feet hanging on the ledges.

He had this bad feeling in his chest.

He felt like he wanted to save a life before he ends his.

"HEY!" He kept repeating so that he'd get her attention.

But the girl couldn't hear him.

He thought of one solution.

He made a paper airplane from the suicide note he brought up there praying she'd see and catch her attention.

Then he threw the plane, and by chance, it went to the girl's field of vision.

She tilted her head then looked at him.

Then Soobin saw. She looked like an angel. He didn't want this angel to fall so he screamed but then realized she can't hear him.

He did know hand signs because of his sister being deaf.

He signed "Hey."

And after seconds of him signing that.

The girl smiled.

Her world gained color once again.


What are the chances Lia found a guy that knows sign language the night she wanted to jump because no one understood her. It was hard talking to her because of her hearing impediment.

Though Soobin wasn't that much good, he tried his best.

"How're you doing?" he signed.

Lia replied, "I've had better days."

"Why're you up there?" Soobin signed with curiosity and a cute head tilt.

Lia became red but Soobin didn't notice "Maybe fate told me to go up here so that I'd meet you."

Soobin laughed then blushed a bit, "Maybe that's why I'm here as well haha."

They chatted for hours on the rooftops.

'Til the starry night sky was replaced with the bright sun.

"It's already Morning Lia, let's go and sleep for today" Soobin signed happily now that he found a reason to stay.

"Sure Binnie." she stood up and signed something while he turned his back.

"I think I'm falling for you Choi Soobin."

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