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Ill-fated (Soolia)

He saw himself, from fifteen years ago. He was more than half his age and height. He saw how his child self laid silently at his bed, who was about to hear yet another one of his mother's tales. More specifically, her own experience about the red string of fate.

"Mom, could you tell me about it again? Please? Before I go to sleep." the child gave his mom a wide grin, he remembered how it was his favorite.

Her mom gave a chuckle before tucking him to bed, getting ready to repeat her story-like experience.

"Once upon a time, a girl tripped as she ran down the school halls, but she wasn't met with ground. She was flustered at first, because she realized that someone caught her before she fell." she spoke, while combing the boy's hair with her hands.

"She came to her senses and thanked the boy who saved her from such an accident. He picked up her fallen bag, and there he noticed it. The red string tied upon her bag's strap." she continued, as tiny Soobin started to feel sleepy.

"She grew up believing the tales her parents told her. Her favorite, was the exact same story you love. She lived her life waiting for the person that would notice the tiny red string tied to her bag. For it was said that the person who does, is your soulmate, forever."

"Lucky enough, she wasn't wrong. As told in the tale, they became friends, fell deeply in love, and ended up marrying each other, having a wonderful life together with their precious baby boy." she ended the story as she noticed the boy quietly sleeping.

The moment his mom left the room and closed the light, was the same exact second his eyes opened. He then realized, his blurry memory came to him as a dream once again.

He was now walking down the halls, beside Lia, one of his closest friends. It was no doubt that he had caught huge feelings for her, it wasn't really that hard to notice, but Lia was just simply too oblivious to think he had fallen.

People knew about it, they'd talk about it and even tease him at times, but Lia never did. It was as if she didn't care about those gossips surrounding her, or was it just hard to believe?

They were friends since elementary. They got to know each other and got along pretty well. Having an argument between them was rare. They'd be each other's support system. They'd be each other's missing piece in their life's jigsaw puzzle.

Lia thought of him as a friend. The closest friend she's got. But she did think of the possibility of her developing feelings for the guy. She was just very good at stopping it.

The day went by and Soobin was waiting outside her classroom. They always walk home together, since their dorms are right next to each other.

Lia was always the last one to leave their class, while Soobin stared at her, who was still fixing her things.

He was thinking of another way to make her notice the red string in his bag.

Ever since the beginning of the school year, he has had enough of waiting for her to notice it. So he gave up, and did things his way.

Destiny Tore Us Apart (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now