18|♧|Long Way Home 2

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Long Way Home 2 (Beomryu)

"I always will, Beomgyu"

A place within the very depths of his stomach suddenly felt odder than usual, as if there was a match waiting to be ignited. And because her words, his whole body suddenly felt like it was on fire, the spark inside him spread althrough out his very existence.

His heart started making backflips and summersaults the moment she said those words. It was beating uncontrollably, which was a first, even if it was his girlfriend he was hugging, or at least what he thought was his girlfriend.

Unlike the other fights they had for the past few months, this one was different for him. He felt sincerity in her words and her touch, something he never thought he would get from her. But for the first time ever since she said yes, he felt the pureness from her words, not just her usual sugar-coated replies. There was something in her voice that seemed different. She sounded like Joanne, but her tone says otherwise.

But despite that, he believes that she won't leave him again, he trusts her too much that he thinks she would never lie or keep a secret from him.

Oblivious about the fact that it was the start of his life's biggest lie.


Ryujin woke up early despite it being a Saturday. She still had to attend her morning shift at the tea shop. She didn't quit her job because she still wanted to make money for herself.

She straightened her hair and didn't even bother to put on that much make up, powder and lipgloss was enough for her. She dressed up casually then went downstairs to prepare breakfast.

She completely forgot about Beomgyu who was practically living with her now. She was still trying to adjust to the whole situation ever since she moved in yesterday.

When she passed by the kitchen and the moment she saw the black haired boy cooking near the stove, she suddenly remembered about Beomgyu and the whole situation. She mentally face palmed herself for being stupid and forgetful.

When she was done scolding herself, she approached Beomgyu and took hold of the spatula in his hand. He was cooking pancakes, which for a fact was Ryujin's favorite. She loved eating it with maple syrup.

She held onto the spatula and took over. This surprised Beomgyu. This was once again a first for them. He never knew Joanne could cook. But he just let her continue and watched her with a smile.

'The more you know...' Beomgyu thought while staring at Ryujin.

Ryujin finished cooking and placed the plates on the dining table. They were sitting across each other, drooling over the pancakes that looked so perfectly cooked. (A/N: Seunglix could never- lol jk)

Beomgyu started eating but Ryujin searched for the maple syrup first. She couldn't find any so she decided to ask.

"Beomgyu, aren't there any maple syrup?"

"Yuck! Why did you even put maple syrup on mine! It's disgusting!"

He furrowed his brows. "But, you hate maple syrup. Didn't you get mad at me last time for buying one? I thought you liked chocolate syrup?"

She froze. She didn't know what to say since it could possibly break her cover. She was scolding herself for not being cautious. Of course they might not have the same taste buds.

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