19|♧|Coming Back To You

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Coming Back To You (Yunkai)

People watched as they saw her bowing her head and tightly holding onto his sleeves. She couldn't bare to touch his hand since she feared he'd let go of it. Forever.

And she didn't want that.

She didn't mind all the disgusted stares coming from the crowd watching them. She didn't care about not having an umbrella while the rain kept pouring, she was thankful that it helped her hide her tears. She ignored what other people thought of her, whether they'd call her desperate or obsessed.

She just wanted him to stay. That's all she cared about.

She couldn't see her future without him by her side. All she could see was pitch black. She was scared he'd let go of her so easily. She was terrified of the things she'd do to herself when he leaves. So she begged, and continues to beg for him to stay.

"I-i can't. P-please. Don't leave m-me." She tried suppressing her sobs while saying those words. She didn't want to look vulnerable in front of him, but here we are. "I don't care if you aren't expressive with your feelings, all I need is for you to stay and that's enough assurance for me."

"What do you mean you can't? Yuna, your life doesn't revolve around me. You can't be dependent on me." he said, making her want to sob even more.

There was a moment of silence between the two. No one from either of them, or the crowd talked. All they could hear was the pouring rain that seemed to know their situation. 

She took a deep breath, "Is that what you want?" she asked, finally looking up at him with her swollen eyes. He hesitatingly nodded.

"Will you promise me that you'll be happy with this?" she asked, which made him nod again. She sighed and completely let go of his sleeve.

"I just want you to be happy. And if leaving me is what makes you like that, then I'll do it." She glanced at him one last time before turning her back at him.

"But remember that I love you, Kai."


2 years later

"Kai!" screamed the girl.

She just entered the campus and searched for her boyfriend who looked as if he was waiting for her in front of their classroom.

She smiled brightly at him, but he just gave him a simple smile and said, "Good Morning, Yuna."

Yes. They managed to work things out. They found a way to be back in each other's arms. It was an on and off relationship but they both knew that in the end of the day, they'll always come back to each other.

But things never really changed. If something did, their relationship wouldn't be as toxic as it is now.

He was popular for being a player, and she was fully aware of that. She knew what she got herself into. And she was willing to take the risk. He promised her that he would change for her.

But that wouldn't be enough, right?

Well to her, it is. She was holding onto his words ever so tightly. Hoping that he would really change. Just for her.

But he never did.

Yuna was going to the restroom to freshen up after a stressful morning at school. But she stopped on her track when she heard a familiar voice.

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