16|♧|Amour Dela Rosas 2

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Amour Dela Rosas 2 (Yeonji)

"I'm sorry, I can't. Well atleast not now."

Everything seemed so vague. In her perspective. But in his? It was as if he was living every single day the same exact way.

For her, it was just a mere confession, something that should be easily forgotten, but she couldn't escape the image of his glistening eyes, the way it portrayed genuine happiness which later on took an overall turn. Oh how it haunted her.

He recalled every detail of it. He saw her eyes filled with guilt and confusion the moment she dropped the red rose from her grasp. He saw how she ran away the moment she saw his moist eyes, with tears ready to escape any moment. He remembered everything. Even until the tiniest detail. And it hurt him every single day when he'd think of it.

But the pain didn't stop him from going on.


It's already been a few days since that small incident in the park. But she couldn't concentrate because of it. She thought she'd forget it after a few days but she was wrong. It only bothered her even more.

She was mindlessly walking along the corridors while staring at her module. She spaced out again, but Ryujin snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Yeji unnie!!" a loud scream from across the hallway reached her ears which made her look behind her, shifting her attention from her Chemistry module.

She saw her friends rushingly approach her with Lia hiding something behind her back. She had a hunch on what it was, but for her, it was impossible, especially after what happened.

Once they were already in front of her, Chaeryeong nudged Lia and signalled her to do something.

"I believe this is for you. A certain someone wanted us to give it to you." Lia said, grinning smugly with a teasing look in her face.

She was presented with another red rose, with a white note attached to it. Yeji reached out for it, taking out the white note and read it.

'I won't stop. I'll stay and wait for you. Even if I die while doing so♡'

She sighed before turning around, she walked away, heading towards her classroom, throwing the rose into a trash can she happened to pass by to. Leaving her friends looking worriedly at each other.


Two months went by quickly but Yeonjun was still keeping it up. He never stopped giving Yeji a red rose with lovely notes attached to them.

It's contents would either be about his love for her, or the littlest things he notices about her that'll make his heart flutter, or his heartfelt promises to her. And Yeji hated to say this, but she knew that his efforts was starting to get to her.

She'd catch herself unconscious smiling at the note while reading it, but when she'll snap back to reality, she'd walk away, frowning, and would throw the rose and the note away like it was already a weekly routine.

She was on her way to her locker when she saw something sticking out of it. She sighed the moment she realized what it was. Right in front of her was another rose and a white note taped to her locker door.

She took it and her eyes immediately fell to the note.

'You're probably tired of all this. But I'll never be. Because I love you♡'

Destiny Tore Us Apart (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now