3|♡|Third Encounter

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Third Encounter (Beomryu)

She was bored. Awfully bored. She has been kept inside their house for too long. She felt like Rapunzel, but without anything fun happening, nor a prince charming to save her from all the boredom.

She wanted to go out. She wanted to see what it was like outside. She never really went to school because she was left home schooled.

She couldn't remember anything from her childhood, which made her wonder if she went out a lot when she was a kid. It could be the reason why her parents didn't want her to go out anymore.

As much as she wanted to go explore the world, she had no choice but to stay in. She wouldn't want her parents to be mad at her.

She was stuck inside for another year. But one day, her parents miraculously let her out. They gave her the opportunity to do everything she wanted. In her case, she wanted to travel, explore the world, and enjoy her life while it lasted.

And now, she's a successful travel vlogger, she's made bucket lists and completes them one by one. But she knew that it wasn't enough. She was satisfied with travelling, but something was missing.

She couldn't cross out the words 'prince charming' in her bucket list. Travelling alone made her feel incomplete, she wanted someone to be with while fulfilling all her dreams. Someone who'll love her like how princes do in fairy tales.

On one of her flights, she was making her way to the plane, she was already running late because the plane was about to depart. Lucky for her, she caught up, but she had to find a seat fast, before the plane takes off.

She found one beside a gray haired boy, she had no choice but take it despite her fear of sitting beside a stranger. She always liked sitting alone on planes.

She sat down and plugged in her earphones. She'd rather not try to open up a conversation, but to her dismay, he was the one who started talking.

"Umm, hi!" she had to take off her earphones to not seem rude and greet the boy.

"Hi!" she smiled in return, finding her way to his pair of eyes, and she found herself staring at it.

She could sense the familiarity in his gaze. It felt odd for her, since she never really knew the guy.

Once she realized what she was doing, she removed her gaze upon the boy. She felt shy for what she did. The boy on the other hand, continued to stare at the girl, feeling so much joy for no reason.

A few minutes of silence lingered around them, but the boy was brave enough to break it.

"I'm Beomgyu. It's nice to meet you." the boy smiled, offering his hand to the girl.

She had a good feeling about him, so she felt comfortable. She didn't hesitate to take his hand, and as cliché as it might be, she felt like she was being electrocuted by their touch. It felt like a wave of currents went through her body, giving her shivers of joy and excitement.

"I'm Ryujin, I'm pleased to meet you too." she replied with a smile and shook their hands.

"I know." Beomgyu whispered leaving Ryujin confused of what he uttered.

"What did you just say?" she asked, letting go of his hand.

"I didn't say anything." He replied and she thought it was weird. She swore she heard him say something under his breath.

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