10k Special|☆|My Evangeline 2

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Co-author's note by tinaaguila13:

Hey! Tina here, around May I thought of this plot for My Evangeline and gave it to Anna so she can make it into a story. Its one of the stories we’re most proud of. Little did I know with that plot I was predicting my own future, and in this part two, I'll get to show you Evangeline’s perspective and thoughts (or mine as well), published today because today is the birthday of my real life Gyu, my soulmate. Enjoyyy

My Evangeline 2 (Beomryu)

May 12, 2025

Years later, I still pass by Earth to see you from a distance, protect you from a distance, love you from a distance.

I kept my promise that I’ll always comeback, and I'm glad that you kept yours too, you finally found the happiness you deserve.

Someone who will finally stay, one thing I wasn’t able to do.

As I passed by this year, I saw you walking with her at the park, as she holds your hand and makes you laugh.

Even from afar, I saw the sparkles in your eyes whenever you looked at her, which proved how much she made you happier. I saw how much you love her, how much you adore her.

I remember how you secretly took photos of her while she was admiring the light blue sky.

I recall your one quick glance to my direction which made my heart skip a beat. I knew you saw me due to how eye catching my pink hair was, but I was quick enough to disappear into thin air before you could even take another glance.

Both of you usually stayed at a local café, the same café we used to go to, doing the same things we used to do.

As she enjoys her cake, you stared at her in admiration and began to sketch her and write poems about her. Something you used to do when you were with me.

She tells you about her day, and you attentively listen to every word she says. I can see how much you felt at home around her. I saw how perfect both of you looked together.

What pains me the most is, that could have been us. For so many times, for so many lifetimes, it could have been us. But things don't always go our way right? Not everyone gets their happily ever after.

Another could have.

We could have been happy together.
We could have been that couple who grows old together.
It could have been you and me.
You could have been mine.

But it all led to the most painful way of ending it all, an almost.

Another almost.

Who knew our story would be another one of the worlds painful almost?

Who would've thought that our epilogue would be one of the most regretful endings?

My last promise...

Each year, I will pass by and and make myself happy by seeing you happy with her.


May 12, 2020
12:12 am

My Gyu, we are both made of particles that have existed since the moment the universe began, I like to think that those atoms travelled 14 billion years through time and space to create us, so we’d have the chance to see each other.

I like to make myself believe that the universe had a reason in creating us, and that is to make us fall in love, over and over again.

But to my dismay, I won't be able to grant your last request. I don't think I can be, or will ever be yours, even in any other lifetimes.

We were merely destined to meet each other, but not be with each other. We were each other's best option, but sadly not Destiny's choice.

I recall telling you that the reason why I kept passing by every year on the exact same day is so I could watch over you. It is the truth, but not the whole truth.

In every lifetime, I’ve been searching for one soul in particular, and there came a time, generations ago, when I found it, I found him. But after some time, we realized that it wasn’t meant to be, because we belonged to two different worlds. Back then, and even until now, falling in love with mortals is prohibited among us.

I was heartbroken, but I made sure to comeback a hundred years later to hopefully find that soul again, to hopefully try and meet him again.

That was when I saw you, at that time, you have just been born. I was so overwhelmed because it was fate. I came back year after year observing you, seeing how you didn’t change much, you were the same soul in a different body. You were still the same man I fell in love with a century ago.

But then again, not everyone gets their happily ever after.

I believe having a soulmate is great. Being able to meet your soulmate is wonderful. But most especially, having the chance to be with them forever is the best thing to happen.

The only down side is, it doesn’t happen to everyone.

Not everyone gets to end up with their soulmate and it was the harsh reality I needed to face.

Because lifetime after lifetime I’ll be able to relive this fairytale: being happy, but soon, letting the man I love go. It'll be an endless cycle of joy and sorrow for me. I'll be stuck with the curse of never having a happy ending. Maybe this is the consequence of falling in love with a mortal.

Even if we were soulmates, it just wasn’t meant to be.

This is the ending I know I'll always get. Even if I cant have you, I promise to still wait for the other lifetimes to come and I’ll search for your soul, fall in love all over again and let you go.

I fell in love with a mortal soul and this is what I have to deal with forever.


Y'all thought part one made you sad? Well then, now we made you even sadder.

I was supposed to publish this when I hit 10k. But I updated earlier as for my best friend's request. Love yah gurrll❤

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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