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Embers (Soolia)

It was her senior year. Her final year. Which was apparently also her final day before she'll enter college. She had just graduated yesterday but she still couldn't digest what was happening.

She didn't want to leave her friends in highschool. She didn't want to go to another school because this was already perfect for her. She wanted a do over. She wanted to experience highschool again.

But instead, this was her only chance, an opportunity given to every graduating batch. An overnight camping at school. No supervisors, no teachers, no rules, just them.

She was in an advanced section, which was an honor, considering that there were only two in their school.

Those two sections always got along. Their bond was unbreakable. Which is why they planned to enjoy their final day in highschool together.

She woke up early, well... she didn't actually get any sleep. She was too excited for their last get-together as one class. She spent the whole night packing her bags. It was only an overnight stay but she always came prepared.

She got herself ready when it was about 4 AM, she ate then went to school, they agreed on meeting there before dawn, they wanted more time with each other, considering that it was their last day.

Lia saw him waiting outside the gates, so she approached her. "Good Morning, hun." She greeted then hugged her boyfriend.

"Good Morning too." he greeted back, showing his smile when they pulled away.

They walked comfortably with each other, entering the campus side by side. They were partly happy and partly sad. They knew this wasn't the last time they'll see each other again, but it scared them, knowing how hard and busy it is during college. They feared that they couldn't make time for each other anymore.

Their worries seem to temporarily fade when they met up with their friends. They hugged like they never saw each other for years. Maybe they were just as terrified to leave, but it was their day, they wouldn't want to spoil it with doubts and fears.


She was happy, very happy, this day was one of a kind and was definitely worth to put on books. She never expected her batch mates to be that crazy in one day.

They did a so called "memory lane" game. Which was by far the most enjoyable. They had to recall and reenact all their favorite memories in highschool and let everyone else guess what it is. They had fun remembering all the dumb things they did a few years or months ago.

She was thankful she had these kind of friends, they were keepers. She wanted to enjoy the moment but in the back of her mind, the thought of moving up was slowly starting to sink in.

When it arrived to the wee hours of the night, everyone agreed to have a bonfire in their school grounds. They sat in a circle and sang multiple songs around the bonfire.

She was sitting beside Soobin, they held hands as they watched small leaves fly away with the wind. She had her head resting on his shoulder, while they sang along with the melody.

They sang a lot of acoustic songs, they were mostly sad, but it made their vibe a lot more subtle. They sang 'Stay', 'Get you the moon', 'This town', and 'If the world was ending'. They agreed to do one more song and then off to bed they were.

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