|☆|DCTF : Kill or Be Killed|☆|

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Welcome back readers.

I see that you have come far enough. How enjoying it is to see how you suspect. At times I get impressed by your theories and explanations. But as always, the truth shall remain concealed until the end comes. Two characters died and there could be more, the fate of their lives are all up to you.

Another wrong move was done which lead to another death. Make sure to be cautious or else it can't be prevented.

Dear readers, congratulations on solving the previous clue. But get your pens ready as I welcome you back to...

Death's Checkmate to Fate:
Kill or be killed

'There is no longer such thing as life and death. In this world, it's love or death. A choice is what they have to make. They have to be witty enough to escape.'


Lookie here lookie there,
Three readers cracked the code.
The number lock is discovered,
And so is the hidden note.
It could be enough to save a life,
But you'll never know,
Because the killer is cruel,
And sadly is still unknown...

Congratulations SaceMia16 MelanieJones100Jisoo_On_Helium


3 years ago....

They have always been fond of hanging out under the sunset. But today's dusk was different. They admired the sunset in awe, as if it was the most gorgeous one they have ever seen.

They stared at how breathtaking the colors orange, pink, blue and purple blended with each other. As if it was painted beautifully by the most talented painter in the world. With the clouds slowly moving by the wind and reflected the pretty colors of the sunset.

"Hey guys...." Beomgyu started, still staring at the scenery in front of them, it caught all of their attention but their eyes were still staring at the sky. "We'll stick together until the end alright?"

The statement made the others let out a smile. They have been friends for a long time now and none of them wanted to tear it apart.

That very same day, they all vowed underneath the wonderful sunset, promising to each other that their friendship wouldn't break and their bond would last for a lifetime.

The killer creepily chuckled.

Remembering such a horrible memory was a nightmare for him. Thankfully he came to a conclusion of killing them all. He was busy wiping the blood stains on the baseball bat, thinking about their so called promises a few years past.

She recalled how she agreed to the promise. When she was still sane and forgiving. When she was still enjoying her time with them. But now, she's had enough. She was now different. She was now the definition of insanity.

Destiny Tore Us Apart (DISCONTINUED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon