11|♤|Sick of it

467 32 89

Sick of it (Yeonji)

"Another day passes here in South Korea, and yet the fourth wave of the Corona virus outbreak still can not be reduced especially on the main industrial cities of South Korea. It has been more than two years since the announcement of the outbreak, other countries have now controlled the virus as it slowly dies down, and yet this country seems to be left behind. Deaths have increased while recoveries kept on deducing. Will there be a way for South Korea to finally escape this outrageous pandemic? Please stay tuned for further announcements."

The girl sighed, staring at the ring on her finger. It's been two years since she flew from Korea. Two years since she was sent to the US as some sort of help for the pandemic. Two years of being a front liner. Two years of having a long distance relationship with him. Yet it was two and a half years ago when they decided to get engaged.

She was tired. Too tired. Physically, mentally and emotionally. She was one of those remarkable doctors that helped through the pandemic. Sure, it was a great achievement, but also a tough one. She couldn't get enough sleep, especially now that they're trying hard to not have another wave of Covid patients.

She couldn't stop worrying too. Though she was following proper precautionary measures, she couldn't help but be scared if ever she caught the virus. She wouldn't want that to happen, especially when she hasn't seen him yet for two whole years.

She kept worrying for him too. Texting him every now and then, checking if he was fine and healthy. They couldn't call each other that much since she was very busy and the time zones were way different.

It was hard to keep up with their relationship. But they assured each other, that no matter what, they wouldn't stop. No matter how difficult it gets, or how desperately the world tries to tear them apart. They'd stay.

She was staring at the ceiling as she sat down, but then, just as she was about to rest, she was once again called by a nurse, for her assistance was needed.

This was a daily dose of her life. Repeatedly wearing protective suits and masks, reducing the symptoms of the virus, sneaking tiny naps when she's too tired, even her meals were skipped.

She just hoped she'd get the chance to go back to Korea again.


"Doc Yeji, someone called us through the telephone, asking to talk to you." a nurse called her, which made her go to the nurses' headquarters.

"Uhm, hello?" she greeted.

"Yeji-ah" she recognized his deep and husky voice at once, even if it was already a long time since she heard it.

"Yeonjunie... How are you? Are you safe there? Are you staying at home? Please tell me you're following protocols." she bombarded him with questions but he seemed to ignore it.

"I miss you so much. When will you come back?" she smiled as she remembered her talk with the President of their Medical Headquarters yesterday.

"Ms. Hwang Yeji, we appreciate your hard work and sacrifice to help this country to get through the pandemic, so we decided, that you, together with your other colleagues can now go back to Korea, especially since they need utmost assistance now. Thank you for all of your efforts to help all the patients in need. Your flight will be next week, I hope you'll arrive safely."

She was about to tell Yeonjun about it, she was about to call him but nurses called her as a patient was suddenly having seizures, making her turn her phone off again.

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