8|◇|My Evangeline

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My Evangeline (Beomryu)

May 12, 2016
12:53 AM

It was a vivid image. Everything was blurry in the boy's eyes. He could see sparkles of light in every corner of the room. But after a bright white light blinded his vision temporarily, he could now clearly see where he was.

It was a café or a restaurant. Oddly so, it only had one occupied table, it shocked him to see himself sitting on that occupied seat. It looked like he was writing something on a piece of stationery.

He continued watching himself, but a girl appeared out of nowhere. If he were to describe the lady in front of him, he'd debate whether he'd choose angelic or heavenly.

She had beautiful eyes that he'd deeply stare at from time to time, angelic facial features that seemed too good to be true, and her pink locks added to her breathtaking demeanor.

Just as he had convinced himself to finally talk to her, he woke up. Finding out that it was yet another dream of her.

He left his bed and walked over to his desk. Getting his black notebook to write all about his dream.

Ever since his third year of dreaming of her, he started to write a journal about what he felt about his weird repetitive dream.

This has been his fifth consecutive year dreaming of her. It has always been that same exact café and the same exact girl. This happens every year in the same day. He never knew who she was because his dreams only get longer by a fragment each year.

He tried finding her, searching for her on all social media sites. He pushed his luck and tried his best to find her. But in his dismay, he never did.

May 12, 2017
1:42 AM

He saw another vivid image. Everything was once again blurry in the boy's eyes. He could see the familiar sparkles of light that flew around the room he was in. And yet another bright white light blinded his vision temporarily, he was greeted by the café he usually sees.

He approached the occupied table he normally goes to and saw himself sitting on that occupied seat, again. He was writing on his black notebook.

He continued watching himself, and she appeared out of nowhere. He was once again enchanted by the lady in front of him, he knew he'd choose both angelic and heavenly to describe her.

He gazed upon her beautiful eyes once more, stared at her angelic facial features that seemed too perfect, and wanted to stroke her pink hair that completed her breathtaking demeanor.

He had convinced himself to finally talk to her, but this time he didn't wake up. His dream continued.

"Who are you? Are you real? Will there come a time that I'll finally meet you?" he got to talk to her, at last. So the first thing he did was ask if she was indeed true, or an imagination made by his mind.

She didn't answer, the only thing she did was give him that sweet, heart-warming smile, assuring him that it wasn't the end. But he woke up.

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