|☆|DCTF : Pairs in Distress|☆|

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Here we are again dear readers.

I see that I confused you well. You've come far enough to know a lot of things. But as always, the truth shall remain concealed. Do you still need more clues? Well that's just too greedy. But don't worry, Fate is here to give you what you want.

Another one of you cracked the clue. Will four people be enough to save the rest of the crew? Well then, let's wait and see if there are more victims.

Dear readers, enjoy your reading spree. Make sure to be alert as I welcome you back to...

Death's Checkmate to Fate:
Pairs in Distress

'Witty they are but so is Fate. Will all of them be able to escape? With three given clues they needed to solve, will smarts be enough or is there something needed more?'


Four deaths in a row,
Garnered in just a week.
Might there be more?
That I can not speak.
Three clues were found,
Is it misleading or full of fun?
Cause things aren't what they seem,
While the killer is still on the run.

Congratulations sarahtaetae12 you cracked the code too!


The killer got woken up by a phone call. He was too tired so he decided not to answer the call. But after a few more calls, she got irritated and answered it, looking at the alarm clock on her bedside table, realizing that it was only a few minutes before 10 pm.

"Who is it?"

The killer's voice screamed irritation and authority. It was as if she was commanding them to do something.

"Go to the hospital. Please..."

His eyes immediately opened. He realized that they found the bodies.

"Why? Is something wrong? Were any of you in an accident?"

Her voice didn't sound fake. Her acting skills were on point.

"They... They... They found Tae and Chae's dead bodies. In an old warehouse."

He smirked, held in his laughter and continued listening.

"I'll text you which hospital it is. Meet us there."

"Okay okay. I'll move as fast as I can."

The caller hang up.

"...to kill your petty little lives."


They were now all gathered around the two's corpse. This wasn't new to them. It's the third time now. But standing in front of their friends' dead bodies, the tears and the pain felt like it was their first.

Some couldn't help but cry, thinking that they might be next, fully giving up on life and what might happen after this. Some were outraged, thinking that the killer already killed four of them, that they should be focused now since they didn't want more deaths.

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