Chapter 38

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Akeno face planted the bed with a happy groan. She buried her face in the silk covers before watching as Mikky pulled the shirt over her head.

"Hmm. It's good to be back." Akeno grinned.

"We're just back in Augerheim. Though I do love the castle." Mikky agreed before looking towards the large basket of apples left on the dresser at the foot of the bed. "Though I wonder why they have so many apples?"

"According to Edon, the orchard on the southern edge of the city has been in full bloom. They have more apples than they know what to do with." Akeno answered. "Likely due to Edon's interference."

"Fair enough." Mikky sighed. "So what would you like to do today? Now that we're back in Augerheim?"

"Rest. We just got back into town." Akeno answered with a grin. "Can I look at your wound?"

"It's mostly healed." Mikky answered, turning and raising her arm so Akeno could see the pink scar. The fox moved so she was sitting on the edge of the bed and Mikky stepped forward letting her get a good look. Akeno's gentle fingers traced the irritated skin getting Mikky to wince at the contact. A few moments later and the pain was gone, and Akeno's fingers were instead traveling across the cat's stomach.

"See something you like?" Mikky teased.

"Mmm." Came Akeno's answer. The fox stood up, gently taking Mikky's face in her hands before pulling her up into a passionate kiss. Both of their ears folded back happily before Akeno pulled her lips away only to press her forehead to Mikky's as their eyes remained closed. Mikky's hands cupped Akeno's holding her close and telling her that this was exactly where she wanted to be.

"Tell me something?" Mikky asked without opening her eyes.


"You're not going anywhere, right?"

"Never. I'll follow you for as long as you'll have me." Akeno answered.

"And if the Gods call you back to protect Krate?"

"I'd ignore them. Unless you came with me." Akeno nodded.

"Go with you?" Mikky seemed to think about it. "You do have a really cool hidden room in a temple."

"Perhaps we should make another temple closer to the town itself? I don't like the idea of the sick having to travel up the mountain for healing." Akeno explained, moving to sit back on the bed, her hands moving to take Mikky's and pull her with her. The cat took her seat beside Akeno, leaning back on her arms, certainly not caring that she was only wearing a cloth wrap for a bra.

"We could. It would take a long time to make one as amazing as the one up top."

"We could turn that one into a bigger home." Akeno offered. "I do like the idea of living close to my mistress's seal."

"Did you love her?" Mikky asked.

Akeno layed back, throwing her arms out to her sides as she stared up at the ceiling. "I'm not sure."

"Not sure?"

"She created me, so I have an undying respect for her. And I'd be lying if I said we weren't intimate at some points. But I don't think I was ever in love with her. Even with him it felt more real." Akeno answered, turning to look at Mikky.

Mikky laid down beside her, resting her head on the Goddess's arm. "Why don't you talk about him?"

"Is that not rude to you?" Akeno asked.

Mikky's ear flicked nervously. "I don't think it's rude to me... I'm just... I'm curious."

"There is little to speak of." Akeno answered, though even she looked nervous as she thought back about it. She stared up at the ceiling again like she was trying to piece her thoughts together.

The Fox and The Cat (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now