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giyuu, peacefully eating dinner:

tanjiro: *breaks into the room excitedly* GIYUU-SAN U HAVE A PACKAGE FROM UROKODAKI-SAN

giyuu: *drops his miso soup in surprise*


giyuu: it's ok, i'll clean it up

tanjiro: how will you clean it up

giyuu: uh... rag?

tanjiro: ... have you considered licking it from the floor?

giyuu: *shocked, "wtf" face* *looks at tanjiro*


tanjiro: *blinks* oh, what?


tanjiro: *sees the spilled soup* AH WE SHOULD CLEAN THAT IM SO SORRY *runs out to grab a rag*

giyuu: it... what

giyuu: what the fuck

giyuu: just give me my package please *confused crying*

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