Malfoy Manor

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I jerked up in at the contact of a warm hand to meet eyes with those familiar warm sparkly gray eyes.

"You didn't sleep last night did you? I told you we would have an early session, I appreciate you showing up though."He sat down in front me, pulling parchment and textbooks from his book bag, I looked around utterly confused at the familiar Hogwarts library, even catching a glimpse of Madam Pince walking through the aisles looking for loud children.

"Where did we leave off last time? The only thing I remember talking about how I beat you in the quidditch match."He chuckled but stopped confused when I didn't laugh and just stared at him with wide stunned eyes.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"He wiped his chiseled cheeks.

"You're here?"I whispered softly, afraid to be loud in case I made it disappear.

He laughed softly and looked at me confused,"Of course I am, I set this up- why wouldn't I be here? Did you finish your potions essay, your time table says it's due tomorrow."

"What... what day is it?"I asked in a confused daze, looking a the students who walked by, wondering if I was completely losing my mind.

"You really didn't sleep, did you, it's Thursday, as usual we meet here."He showed me his planner, filled with our meetings, doodles, birthdays and our little notes where we would argue or tell joke when Madam Pince was in a rather bad mood.

I ran my hands over the date on it February 12th, 1994, I looked at him in shock as my hand actually ran over his, and it was warm, soft, alive.

I grasped his hand feeling tears sting my eyes,"Cedric..."

"Are you okay?"He asked concerned, holding my wrist with his other hand, as I gripped his hand tightly, my hand was clearly smaller than his.

"I can feel you."I murmured gripping his hand tightly.

He laughed and shook my hand,"Of course you can, are you alright? You're acting a bit odd."

I looked at my own hand and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of my clean skin... it was completely smooth, no scars, no marks, just clean normal arms.

I immediately reached for my shoulder and was met with smooth moisturized skin, running my hands all throughout my body in excitement feeling how clean it felt for once.

I laughed in amazement,"It was a dream?"

"Are you sure you're alright?"Cedric leaned forward to place his hand on my forehead as if to check for a fever.

"I'm great... in fact, I'm fantastic."I laughed tearfully, grabbing his hand relived that it was real, that he was actually here,"I'm not a werewolf- you're alive, Harry is okay, Draco is okay, George has no clue I'm in love with him- and i can do this right; I'm still behind on classes- it's wonderful. I'm absolutely magnificent."

He chuckled,"Why would you be a werewolf? Of course I'm alive, why wouldn't I be? You like George Weasley? You literally saw Draco a few minutes ago. And I never would've thought you'd be so happy about being behind on classes."

I shook my head and smiled brightly,"I'm more than happy- it's such an easy problem, my god you don't get it; You'll never believe the dream I just had."

"Try me."He gave me his usual bright smile leaning forward to give me his full attention.

"Well, I have no idea where to begin, it's a long dream; but let me give you the important details."I said excitedly shaking his arms and I began to rant abiut the dream that felt like I had fast forward for years all the way up to the very last thing I had remembered.

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