Episode 31: This Is Who I Am

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The planet's core. A Teleportal that led to the core of Planet Aseria. Now that the group had fallen quiet while they flew through the light stream of the Teleportal, so Lute had time to think. It really started to soak in, the ludicrousness of what he was getting into. He was Headed to the direct centre of the planet in order to fight a crazed Pokémon and stop it from wiping out all life.

If he was still the same Pokémon he was before he met Sophitia, this idea wouldn't have crossed his mind even during his dreams. If he had the opportunity, not only would he turn it down, but Mum would most certainly say no in the harshest, most frightening way possible. The thought made him cringe and sneak a glance at Sophitia. She was faced forward and focused, and appeared the coolest she had looked in a while.

He faced forward, too. He had to concentrate. This place was probably going to be worse than the strange red particles that drained his breath before. He had to be ready to brave the harshest conditions ever, the perilous unknowns of the world inside of the planet. When they landed, he instantly spread his feet apart, scanned the area, and darted side to side.

"Wait, we're back here?" he said with an eyebrow raised. Genesis had just taken them back to Spirle's hidden base.

"The Teleportal we need is in the depths of this place. It's a special one that only we of the royal family could activate. It doesn't even look like a Teleportal, you know," Genesis said. She walked fast, so he had to jog to keep up. "Funnily enough, Kuri was registered to it, too. We did it, even though we didn't tell you where it is."

"When? Gonna take a wild guess and say it wasn't important until now," Kuri asked.

"It was and it wasn't. This scenario right here is exactly why we did it in secret," Genesis stated.

"Okay, so we've got a little time. Tell us about this," Esther said, and tucked her arms behind her head.

"The royal families of the Ancients had their own network of Teleportals built for their personal use, and each one was only ever to be used in very special situations. These ones led directly between the castles and palaces across Moand Dia. The public never knew about them, but it's how we maintained such a vast and connected world," Gen explaine. She slowed down so that everyone could walk beside her. "Every kingdom had one that led to the centre of the planet. But they weren't all for important trips and the like."

Lute already had questions. The way she talked; it was as if she was used to using these things. It was hard to picture the Teleportal being a casual method of transportation for Pokémon, considering the average Pokémon even today didn't know about them. In fact, before Sophitia, even King's Shield could barely activate one with their machinery.

"Kuri, remember our honeymoon the night we got married?" Genesis wondered.

"How could I forget that? That was the day we figured out what your Father was doing when he allowed us to get married," he replied. "He sent us to that greenhouse-type place. But in reality, it was an underground shelter. From there, we had full view of Lassic as he rained his meteors upon Angard. It was less of a honeymoon and more of a frightening revelation that your Father had already resigned himself to the destruction of Angard."

"If he had a Teleportal leading to another kingdom or inside the planet, why didn't he just transport everyone there? He could've saved everyone," Sophitia said.

"The other kingdoms had already been reduced to rubble. Drained of their V-Waves by his weaponry, and then smothered in meteors of fire. The only way to deal with this devil was to confront him head on, like we're doing now," Genesis answered. The question had caused her tone to sharpen, and she sped back up.

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