Bonus Episode: Weird and Proud

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A lengthy, special bonus chapter I like to call the 'cameo episode'. It's a special chapter featuring the surprise appearance of characters from my other fanfics!

In this special, we get to see Ruby (Heroica Legends) and Leos (Astral Genealogy)!

There are no spoilers for either of those books in this chapter.


"So what you're telling me is that it's a sort of compromise between your original role and what you want to do now?" Lute summarised. He and Sophitia were walking back into town from the new school that was being built. They took a scenic route that ran along the seaside. This coastal road was a little longer of a way home, but it was a great way to appreciate Aseria's returned weather.

It was peaceful. Nothing but cool summer breezes and the sound of waves washing up over the rocks to their left, with the occasional chirp from Wingull and other water-loving birds. Lute swayed his head and hummed with it all, refreshed by the salt in the air.

"It's something like that. It's better to think of it as like... I'm here to stay now. I just don't have my shield or sword, and I look like a normal Sylveon," Sophitia said with a happy sigh. "I'm technically Diancie's champion, too. I'll live for way longer than everyone else, and if something like Lassic ever happens again, I'll be there to put a stop to it."

"That's so cool Sophitia! You're like, a true heroine now and stuff," Lute bounced up and down with sparkly eyes.

"Oh you, always looking at the bright side. Don't you think it's kinda sad? You guys aren't gonna be around forever, but I'm still gonna look the same. It's like I don't age anymore," she said.

"Well it'll be decades before that happens, won't it? That's plenty of time to enjoy having us around. And plenty of time for us to keep our promises to each other, too." He dashed in front of her. His feather dangled out of place a bit, so he patted it back. "Plus, I have been thinking about that whole age thing, too. Since I'm a V-Pocket and I'm unaffected by the Ancient Flowers, does that mean I'll live forever, too? I don't think I've ever actually gotten taller or anything."

That set her off giggling again. "Oh Lute, that's because you're an Eevee, silly. If you got any bigger, it'd be because you're eating too much."

"Is that really how it works?" he replied, flat faced. "I'm sure loads of Pokémon still don't take me seriously because I look like a kid. If eating more will do that, then I guess it's the next thing to focus on."

"Erm," she said, eyes widened. "Okay. Where the heck did that one come from?"

"It's been a thing since forever." He rolled his eyes.

"Lute, you're not gonna get taller or something if you start eating more. You'll just get... rounder. If anything, that'll make you even cuter," she giggled. "But you're fine the way you are, you know? When it came right down to it, everyone we know took you very seriously. Even Kuri."

"No he doesn't, he only doesn't talk down to me because of my powers," he said, looking away. "And he can beat me anyway, so that doesn't even matter."

"You really think a guy like him would hang out with us if he didn't have any respect for you? I mean, he's still in Everend, but Gen's in Angard, right? He has to like it here," she reasoned. "Seriously. It's not like you to be worried about your appearance."

"I've always been worried about it. I've just never had the time to," he admitted. "You sure I won't grow taller if I start eating more?"

"No, you'll just end up looking like me! Do you really wanna look like me, all pudgy and bubbly?" she said, and laughed as she prodded herself. That made him look away to blush, and he grumbled to himself. "Come to think of it, how did I even maintain this look? I walked around as much as you did, but I still feel like a marshmallow. Not that I'm complaining."

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