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"Wait, hold up," I shouted stopping them from going anywhere.

"You can't just walk up to wherever it is, we need to get more information first. If only I had my laptop with me. We need to go back and get it."

"Where is it," Jody asked.
" It's in my hotel room."
And then she was gone, in seconds she appeared back holding my laptop.

" Oh, or we could do that. We have to go to a safer place, we don't want people casually strolling in here."

" Don't worry about that, no one can come in. I am still wondering how you were able to get in." Meg stated.

" Huh? I wasn't meant to enter?."

"Do not concern yourself with it."

" Okay."

Opening my laptop I entered into my special program and began working. This was even harder than the police station, there were so many security. I wondered if these buildings was actually a front for something else entirely.

I managed to take over control of the cameras in the building.

We sat still while I controlled the cameras, we searched for something out of place, anything that will show something was off. We kept looking, from one room, to another, but found nothing.

We needed another plan.

" You said you can feel the aura right? So can you try to locate the exact location of where its coming from?" I asked.

" Okay, we will try it."

They all sat still, with eyes closed. After a while. Their eyes shot wide open, they all placed a hand to their chest while breathing hard.

"Hey, what happened, did you get it?"
" No. There is something there. Its protecting the orb, as we searched for it, it kicked us out," Wulf growled out.

" There is something there that isn't human also? Did the Elders send another person again?"

"No, that is no Valkyrie. It is a demon, and a powerful one." Jody said.

" It's not possible, something is very wrong. No supernatural can be in your world, and be that powerful," Wulf added.

" I don't understand, but you're here, and you're a supernatural?"

" Yes, we are, but it's different. You see, your world is protected from all supernatural races. There is a seal around your world that protects you, it can be breached but at a cost.

The males in our world carry a lot of energy and presence, while females carry lesser. We females can survive for a while with only a quarter of our energy, but the males find it hard to survive at all with half their energy.

That is why the best of the female warriors were sent. But our energies had to be taken away, which makes us weaker.

The seal only allows the weak, like humans  pass through. So even if you force your way in, the seal will filter that energy out and render you useless.

But at the same time. We were blessed with a mortality spell. Which allowed us to hold a quarter of our energy and still carry the presence of a mortal," Jody explained.

"You see why it's a surprise that there is a demon here with that much energy?" Wulf finished.

I honestly still didn't fully process everything, but I understood what they basically meant. They were screwed.

Before I could give a comment, Meg spoke.

" I have a plan."

We all looked at her, but she remained quiet, I turned to look at the others only to realize that they all had a glaze on their eyes.

Valkyrie: Life of a WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now