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I awoke with a startle, hearing the loud banging  on my door.

"Hey! JJ, you're still asleep?  Get up!" I heard Wulf's voice behind the door.

I grumbled, and stood up from bed, checking the time on my wall clock.

"What!" I screamed.

"I am late, oh no."

Jumping out of bed, I ran as fast as possible to the bathroom. Brushed my teeth, washed my face, did all the doable in record time.

I quickly changed to a neat uniform. And was ready to go.

I went to the mirror to give myself a quick pep talk for the day.

"JJ,  today is a new day. You have held on for a long time, and you won't give up today, or any other day." I smiled to my reflection and turned to go when a voice stopped me.

"Hello, Redder, Nice pep talk."

I screamed as loud as I could, stumbling and falling on my butt.

D-did I just h-hear a voice in my head.

"I believe so."

"Oh, my God!! Who are you. Why are you talking in my head?"

"Hey, give up screaming. And, I'm not in your head. I'm in you."

Oh, no no no, I am running mad. No, I am already mad. A lunatic, a psycho. I hear voices in my head.

"Hey, Redder, calm down, if you keep talking like that you will genuinely become a lunatic."

"Please who are  you, what are you." I replied almost in tears.

"My name is Cicero, and I'm you. Or I'm part of you now."

"What the heck do you mean by you are me?"

"Hey, no cursing, in this body."

Oh my goodness! What was happening to me? I needed to tell someone.

"You don't get it, do you? Okay, you can't tell anyone about this.  You will not only be in trouble, but you will also be in danger."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh my, I can't believe I actually share a brain with you. Do you think it's innate to have someone like me inside you?"

"Someone, like you? I don't even know who you are."

" Yeah, good point.  But when I told you I am you, I wasn't kidding.  I only know what you know, the limit to your dumb brain is unfortunately mine also."

"What the hell! Then why do you think it's not natural to have you in me."

" Why, Oh deity, why did you have to stick me with this girl?  Why? There are so many brilliant people around, but you chose her?"

I didn't understand anything, apart from the fact that this Cicero person annoyed the heck out of me.

"What the... Okay, please who are you really, and why are you in me?"

"I told you, I'm Cicero, and I have been here all along, we just couldn't communicate like this. Until now, which I don't even know how."

"You mean you have been inside me?"

"Redder, let's get something straight here. I am not different from you. Well, I am the smarter part of you. But I am not inside you, I'm you."

Valkyrie: Life of a WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now